What you love about them

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What you love about them-

Ted- Many things but the main thing is he 'Go For It' attitude. You can't get over the fact that he is always telling you, to go for it! Get the job done.

Barney- He stays with you when your sick. Unlike most guys Barney stays by your side when your really sick. You could have the flu or just the sniffles but Barney is there.

Marshall- His funniness, He can cheer you up even though your sad. He can make you happy when your mad. He can even crack a joke about the strangest thing.

Lily- The way she gets along with you. You love how she gets along with you. Even though you aren't around much you two still get along. She even begs you to watch movies or go to the bar with her and the gang.

Robin- Her tomboyish attitude. You love how Robin isn't one of those girls who want to have pedicures and Manicures. She loves her guns and whiskey, yes, but you can't get over the fact that she invites you to every hockey game she goes too.

Sorry for the long wait. I moved and I just got settled but I can promise more and more of these! Thanks for being patient!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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