What kinda of movies you guys like to watch

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What movies you guys like to watch-

Ted- Romantic. You and him can't go a day without cuddling up and watching a romantic movie. Just the two of you.

Barney- A family movie. You can't really tell if he likes it but it's nice knowing that you and him have a chance at having a family one day. You were even surprised when he cried at some parts.

Marshall- Of course Comedy. You and him can't go a day without a good laugh. Everyone gets annoyed when you and Marshall quote a line from a funny movie in unison.

Lily-Chick Flicks. The gang can't blame you girls. But when you guys are in the middle of a chick flick and someone interrupts the movie you guys literally attack them.

Robin- Horror. You guys just love the creepy twins in the hallway or Freddy v.s Jason. When you two are in the middle of a horror movie nobody is around you two. Let's just say you two scream at the TV.

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