What you hate about them

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What you hate about them-

Ted- He will always correct you. You say something wrong he corrects you. You can't stand it.

Barney- He always leaves. You will be talking to him and the out of nowhere he says "Sorry Y/N I have to go." And he leaves.

Marshall- Lets face it you can't hate anything about Marshall. Except he is to nice. He is too nice for you.

Lily- She acts like a kid. She will whine and cry when she doesn't get her way. You just hate it!

Robin- Her gun and drinking addiction. You don't want her hurt but she still drinks and uses guns.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. You guys deserve to be mad! I have been really busy. School starts in 16 days for me! And I just don't have a bunch of time but I promise I will update more often! Bye!

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