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It's 11:58 just two munutes away from May 11. Maya's birthday. Pulling out my phone, I text her: "Happy Birthday my sweet, wonderful, gorgeous, girl! I love you so much. You are my reason for existing. Never forget that. Never let anyone tell you you're not good enough, because you are. Since I met you, my life has been filled with your radiant glow. Love always, Lucas Tristan Friar 😍💜😘💏💑💓💕💖💗💝💞" 

Send. Perfect right at twelve in the morning. I really hope she will pick me. Josh is just too old for her. Too tall. But what about me? I left her. I told her I never wanted to see her again. Poor Maya. Pro's and con's to each guy. If only she could see how much I truly love her. She is the center of my universe. My thoughts revolve around her. Even if she chose Josh, I couldn't stay away. I will stay until she tells me to go. But I will always be in the back ground waiting. Waiting for her to realize that I'm the one she wants.

My phone vibrates. "Thanks so much! Can you please meet me at the park in ten minutes?" It's a group text from Maya. I quickly get dressed and run out the door. Arriving at the park, I see Josh standing next to me. Maya has her back to us, and she's wearing a dress. I've never seen her wear one outside of a place she had to wear one. But it fits the occasion I suppose. It's a white dress, glowing in the moonlight. Flowing in the wind.

 She turns around slowly. " We all know I have to make a decision. We need to know who is mine. Who truly loves me. I've decided to talk to each of you. I will decide over the summer who I will pick. First, I will speak to Lucas. But I want both of you to know that whatever happens, I love you both very very much. You are the two best guys I have ever met. Anyone would be lucky to have either one of you. I love you two so much. Lucas?"

She walks with me to a secluded bench, surrounded by trees. "Lucas. You know I love you. But I also love Josh. You've been there for me since the day we met. But you also left me. I do know why, but you don't know what it was like... You were my everything, but then you left. I thought I could trust you. You knew how badly I was hurt by my dad. But you still left... How can I trust you not to leave me again? Do you really love me or am I just a tool?"

"Maya. Of course I love you. It killed me to see you hurt. When we were at the dance. When you got pushed around my dad. I love you. You are my Sun. Without you, I turn to ice and my whole world dies. I love you. I always have and I always will. I have plans of us. Of our future. I'll ask you to marry me. We'd rock our babies to sleep. We'd watch them grow up together. You and I rocking in our chairs on the front porch. Then when I'm gone you still remembering me. I can see it. I can see us. But I want you to know if you choose him that I'll still be here. I will always be there for you, no matter how hard you would break my heart. I love you Maya, can't you see that? I want to be your forever. I want you to choose me. But if you don't I understand. I want what's best for you. I love you, Maya Penelope Hart. I love you for a thousand years, and I'll love you for a thousand more."

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