Glass Ionomer Cement LuFill HS

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LuFill HS is HUGE's new upgraded product. It is an excellent self-adhesive, bulk cement that guarantees reliable and lasting restorations. Due to it's high strength, this product performs well when used in routine clinical restorations.


Cementation of metal-Based inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges

Cementation of high strength (zirconia based) all ceramic crowns and bridges

Cementation of posts and screws made of metal or high-strength ceramic

Cementation of orthodontic bands

Restoration of caries in unstressed area


Ideal particle size, easy mixing and good operating experience

High compressive (>200MPa) and flexural strength assure durability, longevity, and integrity

Durable physical properties, high acid resistance and low oral solubility

Continuous fluoride ion release helps to prevent secondary dental cavities

X-ray resistance

Vita Color system:A2,A3,A3.5

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2024 ⏰

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