Forest Exploration

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Originally Written: In the middle of 2013 (only knew because we had artbooks in 6th grade)

Note: I predicted a game, even if it did stray from the 'escaping the storm and gathering supplies' idea a bit.

Marching through the forests, Taylah and Tessicah were gathering supplies for the evening. Such as wood and maybe some fruits. As they both went along, they noticed how it was seemingly quiet and the animals were resting at this time of the afternoon. It had been an hour since they both started this quest, as it was an idea suggested by their family. But soon, that was when the calm afternoon weather had suddenly turned.

Dark clouds had appeared overhead with sounds of thunder, and it had gotten cold quickly. Without a second thought - the two decided that it was best to run back to their cottage. Along the way, Tessicah had a minor slip - falling onto the ground. Noticing this, Taylah immediately picked up her younger twin as they both made it back to the cottage. Accidentally left the supplies behind in the process, but it didn't matter - as they were home safe after that.

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