Chapter 17

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3rd Person

"Girls... were in need of some blood of a virgin." Cara announces.

"Why sister?" Ana asks.

"Because.... I have a special treat for these town folks. Especially my father." Cara responds

"Cara shall we wait until the storm has left?" Laura asks.

"Why? Thunderstorms are my favorite kind of weather."


I woke up in bed hyperventilating. I turn to the clock and read the time. 3:45am.

"Ughhh." I groan and lie back down.

These stupid dreams are killing me. Why am I having these dreams? This is soooo messed up. But then we also have the whole Nash situation.. I don't even... Whatever. Honestly my life is a Halloween after school special.

I hear a crack of thunder and a ghostly wail coming from outside. I open the bedroom curtains and watch as the rain pours down and hits the window.

I love thunderstorms to be honest. I don't why just always have.

I sit up on April's spare bed and lean my head on the window frame then I see something. What the Frick? It looks like a body in a red hood. I creep out of bed and put on Shawn's sweatshirt I stole and slipped on my uggs. I'm already wearing sweatpants so.

I sneak out of April's room and put my hood up and head outside, "hello?" I ask walking onto the front lawn, "hello..?"

What am I doing? I'm just paranoid. Yeah that's it. Its just paranoia.

"Clara. Finally. I have been wanting to talk to you." A girls voice says.

I turn around to see a girl around my age. As soon as she gets close enough I can see her face. Its the girl from my dream... Its- its its Cara Lawrence.

"Your- your..." I stutter.

"Yes I am Cara." She smirks, "now listen. I'm in your head. A lot of the time actually. Like right now. Kinda. Now here is what" she says before she disapears.

Bisshhh whaaaaaaaaat?

I am going insane its official. I walk back inside and take off Shawn's wet sweatshirt and my boots. Today is October 27. Therefore 27 days since I decided I was done with Charlie, 27 days since Nash starting acting kinda human, 27 days since I started having these weird dreams.

What the actual FRICK! I walk down the hall and stop as I reach Shawns room. I peek inside and watch as he climbs in through his bed to window.

"Shawn?" I ask walking in.

"Clara?!" He jumps turning towards me.

"Why are youu" I question.

"I can explain! Around midnight from an unknown number but once I checked the text I found out it was from Matthew. He wanted me to talk to him about something and if I didn't he would do something to April. They wanted me to join the douchebag squad as you call them. But I said no and then this happened." He explains then proceeds to turn on his lamp (considering before the only light was coming from his TV.) His face is black and blue and purple, his lip is cut.

They attacked Shawn. They hurt Shawn. I walk over and sit on his bed and he sits next to me, "this is my fault." I tell him, gently rubbing my thumb over his hand, "it happened because you care about me. This should have never happened." I tell him as a stray tear runs down my cheek.

Shawn puts his arm around me and wips it away, "Clara.. I don't care about what they do to me
Your more important to me then some assholes punching me." He smiles softly.

"What would I do without you Mendes?" I ask.

"I don't know Child's." He responds engulfing me in a hug.


I wake up back in April's room. After Shawn explained everything to me this morning I went back into April's room (after cleaning him up of course).

I walk out of April's room and into the bathroom and get ready for today. I'm really scared to be honest. I do not know what happened at Matt's cabin with Taylor. I also have to figure out what happened with that random girl last night. What did she mean by everything she said? Is she possessing me or something?

I put on my foundation and all that, add some light pink lip floss, and winged eye liner. Now what to wear? I walk over to April's closest and raid her closest. I did grab some of my things but I don't feel like digging through my bags. What to wear? What to wear? I push through hanger through hanger- oh my god yaasss. I pull off a brown long sleeve cover up that goes past my butt and I grab a black tanktop. This is gonna look adorable. I go through her jeans and grab a dark blue pair of skinny jeans. I change into it and slip on my black uggs and look into the full body mirror she has in her room. #ClaraApproved. I look good! Self five!

I finally walk out and join April on the couch.

"Oh my god! I am going to KILL whoever beat up Shawn." She growls.

"Don't have to look too far. It was the douchenag squad. I'm not sure if Charlie was there though." I answer.

"Those... Those... FILTHY CASUALS!!!" she says angry.

"April calm down. Just... Take it out on Shay." I laugh.

She smiles and shakes her head, "ha ya. Bye Felicia." She laughs, "let's get going. Shawn's not going until his face heals up."

I nod and we head out.

**At school**


"Soooo... I have to tell you something." I tell Clara.

Okay april, you got this. Clara is your best friend.

"What is it Bæ?" She asks.

"I might have a bæ?" I admit.

Ya I know not a big secret... Wait for it.

"Oh my god really!? Who!?" She asks.

"It may be Kylie Stevens." I tell her awkwardly.

"Woah! Wait!? WHAT!?"

Yeah.. Kylie is Nash's cousin.


My eyes widen and take a deep breath. I have to be happy for April. Besides surprisingly Kylie is the biggest sweetheart I have ever met. I don't know how Nash can be related to her.

"I'm happy for you April. Kylie is a sweetheart." I smile softly.


I giggle and shut my locker.

"Let's go you crazy kid." I tell her and bring her to our first class.

I sit down next to April at out group table and Nash comes in and sits across from me.

"Alright class! Get to work! I have made your projects due on Halloween so it gives you enough time." Our teacher announces and we all get to work.

All of a sudden my phone is vibrating and I pull it out to see a text from Nash.


Oh shnap!!

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