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"Please James! I just need one more week. Please, I have Amie to look after. You can't just throw me out on the street when I have a child to care for!" I begged.

"I'm sorry Perrie, but it's too late. Your rent is already two months overdue. You need to remove your items from the apartment by 6pm tonight, or I'll get the bailiffs in. 6pm, Perrie" James said, handing me my eviction notice. I slammed the apartment door shut and screamed. I pressed my back against the door, and slid down until I was seated on the cold wooden laminate. A minute or so passed, and baby cries came from the bedroom. I wiped my tears and stood up, slowly walking to where the baby cries were coming from. Amie was in her crib, standing up and holding onto the rail. I lifted her out, and bopped her up and down, trying to get her so doze off again. 

"Amie, I'm so sorry. You deserve a life so much better than the one I can give you" I began crying again, my tears soaking through the babygrow Amie was wearing. "I love you."


5:30pm. I had nowhere to go, so I couldn't take a lot with me. I threw all my clothes into black sacks, alongside clothes for Amie, and her other bits she would need. The rest of it, I left in the apartment. James came at 6:02pm, and I had to hand over my keys. I held Amie, the eleven month old child, tight against my chest as I walked down to the exit of the apartment block. Carrying sacks, it was tiring to walk to far, so I stopped at a bus shelter, a few blocks away. I sat down, dumping the sacks next to me, and using the clothing one as a pillow. Amie slept on my chest the entire night, tucked up inside my hoodie so that she wouldn't freeze. I kicked off my boots, and got as settled as I could be on a concrete floor with a black sack of clothing as a pillow. 

"I promise, I'll find us some place to live soon" I whispered into a sleeping Amie's ear. "I promise you, sweetheart."

I broke my promise. Amie is now four years old, and we're still under the same bus shelter. I earn £4.50 a night, sleeping with sleazy guys that can't get a fuck unless they pay for it. That just about covers our food. We've been living on junk food, the cheapest stuff I can find, so neither of us are overly healthy. I have to steal every now and again to get things that I have no possible way of affording. The first time I stole was two years back. Amie was completely grown out of all the clothes I had of hers, and she had nothing to wear. I stole over £100 worth of children clothes for her, and I'm still a wanted suspect. 

"Perrie, when will we have somewhere to live?" Amie frowned, creeping closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her, and shook my head.

"I'm working on it babe" I said, kissing her forehead. She nodded and closed her eyes, leaning her head on me. I watched as she dozed off. I stayed awake for a while, watching the world go by. Taxi's and cars all drove past, but none ever stopped. The buses did, obviously, and the passengers just gave me a funny look. 


Morning came, and I woke up to find Amie sitting up on the bench, sipping on a carton of apple juice. 

"Where'd you get that?" I questioned.

"A lady gave it to me" Amie said, innocently as if she'd done something wrong. 

"Can I have some?" I asked. Amie nodded and handed me the carton, and I took a gulp of the juice. The cold beverage against my parched throat felt amazing. I gave the carton back to Amie and she finished it off, running over to the bin and throwing away the rubbish. She rejoined me, and I stood up, untying her hair and brushing it out with my fingers and roughly plaiting it. 

"Can we go for a walk today?" Amie asked. "I don't want to stay here."

"Where would you like to go?" I enquired. 

"I don't know, the park maybe?" she said, taking off her top and changing into another. I nodded, and handed her a pair of underwear and denim shorts. She got changed and I shoved the dirty clothes into another black sack. I grabbed the black sacks, throwing them over my shoulder, and Amie carried the lighter ones. We headed to the park, and Amie ran over to play, while I sat on the sidelines, watching as she enjoyed herself for the first time in a long time.

A/N - Hey guys! So this is the first chapter to my new story 'Hate That I Love You'. I am really excited about this story, as I have been contemplating writing this for quite some time, and I have written down ideas and inspiration from songs, quotes, and videos that I think will be great in this book. I really hope you enjoy this book, because with the ideas I have in mind, I can imagine it being a hit, so I really hope I don't disappoint you.

Also, a HUGE congratulations to my babe Jesy, for getting engaged to Jake! I can't believe it. I found out while I was in the hospital earlier on today and I literally had to hold in my screams and tears until I left, which was extremely hard! But congratulations Jesy! I know Jake treats you like a princess and he makes you happy, and that is all I ask for, to see you happy, to see that beautiful smile everyday. I love you with my entire heart babe.

Another thing, this chapter is dedicated to  because she literally helped me so much, coming up with the idea on how to start off my story! Without her, this update wouldn't be here today, so thank you Beth! I love you.

And finally, I want to thank The_Zerrie_Feels for always reading an update, or a new story I post, for always be active in my comments, and for being here since I first started writing a year ago! Thank you Megan! And, don't worry, this story will have PLENTY of zerrie smut! I know how much you enjoy it hahahah.

I'M MOVING HOUSE TOMORROW! I'm super excited. Today has been a hectic day though. I haven't stopped. I was packing right from 10am this morning, and I've had about 3 hours rest. But I'm all done and ready to go! Anyway, it's almost 2am now, so I'd best get some sleep! But goodnight my little lovebugs and I hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Love yous.

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