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The golden trio had locked themselves in Harry's bedroom at Grimmauld place. It was the summer before their six year and Hermione, who had fallen in love with her magical creature inheritance book, had suggested that they check if they had any creature inheritance in their bloodlines. So here they were brewing the potion needed. Or rather, Hermione was brewing the potion while Harry was sitting on his bed reading the magical creature book and Ron was in the corner playing chess with himself. The potion was almost finished when something went wrong. The supposedly bluish potion turned crimson red. Hermione was too shocked and before she could react, the cauldron boiled erratically, then it suddenly exploded, followed by a blinding light that engulfed the three of them. An ear piercing scream echoed through the entire house followed by a deafening silence.

Down the kitchen Remus, together with the twins and Ginny were startled when the scream echoed through the room. The four quickly ran upstairs towards the room where the scream was coming from. Remus tried to unlock the door, but to no effect. The wards only allowed the owner of the house and the secret keeper to dismantle or adjust the wards.

''Ginny, hurry firecall the headmaster. Tell him it's an emergency,'' Remus instructed.

Ginny did as was told and returned shortly with the headmaster.

''What happened Remus?'' Headmaster Dumbledore inquired.

''We don't have any idea Albus. We were down in the kitchen when we heard someone scream from Harry's room, but we can't open the door.''

Albus nodded in understanding. He stepped closer to the door and with a flick of his wand in a complicated pattern the door lock click indicating that the wards would now allow the five access. Albus slowly opened the door, not prepared for of the sight in front of them.

''Oh Merlin!''




Severus had been ecstatic when he came into his inheritance at seventeen. Since then he had waited patiently for his mate. Regardless of all the unfortunate events he'd been through, often only the thoughts of his mate kept him going. He had promised himself that when he finally found his mate he would do everything to make them happy, to protect them, cherished, and provide for them. But when ten, then twenty years had passed and still no sign of his mate, he started to lose hope, beginning to think that maybe he didn't really have a mate. He began to believe he was destined to be alone forever. This had to be his punishment for all the mistakes he had made.

When he suddenly felt his heart suddenly constrict, not painfully but with a feeling of perfect bliss, and his grey wings spread wide open, as his Amaren mark on his left temple burned, becoming visible, he almost cried in happiness. At last, after so many years of waiting, he finally felt his mate's presence.

"Severus, what's wrong?" asked Lucius as he entered his study and found his friend kneeling on the floor, hands on his chest. He quickly walked towards the Potions Master and helped him settle on the couch. Before Severus could respond, a house elf popped inside the room looking alarmed.

"Master Lucius sir, Mistress Narcissa be needing yous help. Something be wrong with Young Master."

Lucius and Severus abruptly ran towards the young Malfoy's room. Lucius was anxious, wanting to know what was wrong with his son. Severus, however, felt a bit of unexplainable excitement. They both stormed inside the room, but Severus slightly stumbled as he was hit by the intoxicating scent of winter and snow, and that pleasurable tightening of his heart started once again. He snapped his head towards the still form laid out on the bed. White wings spread wide open, his left temple was branded by the unique mark of a dominant Amaren. Severus frowned at that. If Draco was also a dominant, it only meant that they still have one more mate, their sub, or maybe one more Dom, depending on how powerful their sub mate was.

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