Untitled Part 8

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Am back again. I apologized for not updating soon but my tablet got broken, twice. hope my story still have readers. And thanks for all those who posted a review and put my story in their fave/follow list. hope this chapter make it up for the long time i wasn't able to update. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Enjoy reading. And oh... don't hate me for the last part..:p

When Severus Snape felt his submissive mate had come into his inheritance, he was elated. Then finding out for an unknown reason he was rejecting them was devastating. But when he found out it was Harry, everything went downhill fast. Because even if he and Harry had had a truce since he had started teaching the Gryffindor occlumency, he knew that his mate couldn't just forget and throw five years of hostility, humiliation and pain out the window. During their meeting with the headmaster he had felt a flare of hope when Harry decided to continue his occlumency lessons with him instead of doing it with their new defence professor along with his lessons about his magical core. Though he was a bit wary of the new professor, and he didn't like the idea of Harry spending time alone with him, he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Much more important was that he noticed that Harry was comfortable with the young professor's presence. All he could do was keep an eye on Harry in case something went wrong.

Severus was about to head to his bedroom when his wards alerted him that someone was standing outside the door to his private chambers. He scowled thinking that some students were wandering the hallway again, out after curfew. Striding towards his door intending to scold whoever it was. Upon opening his door he was startled to realize it was Harry. His foul mood was immediately replaced with worry when he noticed Harry's current state. He was so pale and trembling and looked devastated.

"Harry?" he called softly not wanting to startle him. To his surprise he found himself with an armful of crying Gryffindor, making him even more worried. Severus' heart tightened seeing how devastated his mate was. He was about to speak again when he felt Harry's body suddenly go limp in his arms by instinct he tightened his hold around the young Amaren just on time as Harry lost consciousness.

He immediately arranges his mate in his arms and carried him inside placing him on his bed. When he was certain that the young Amaren was settled and comfortable, he took his wand and cast a diagnostic spell to check if he was injured or under some harmful spell or potion. Fortunately the result was negative, but somehow it did nothing to ease his worry.

Severus didn't know what made his little mate this devastated, but he swore that whatever or whoever was behind this would pay dearly. On the other hand he was glad that Harry came to him for comfort. He was hoping that it could be a new beginning for them.

He sat beside the sleeping Amaren and glancing down at the young man, he notice that his hair glamour had worn off. Harry's usual messy raven hair was now long and shiny with three colored streaks. Looking at him more closely he realized that Harry was indeed beautiful in a manly way and he considered himself lucky that Harry would be his. If fate permitted. When a strand of Harry's hair fell into his face he reached out and brushed it away from his face, a small smile bloomed from his lips when Harry leaned into his touched.

He continued carding his fingers through the young Amaren's raven's locks gently not wanting to disturb Harry's sleep. He was lost in his thoughts, and at the overwhelming feeling of being close to his mate, being able to touch him like this that he hadn't noticed a pair of emerald orbs open, stare at him for a while, then slowly close once again.


Harry slowly regained consciousness feeling relaxed and comfortable. He was barely aware that he was lying on a bed, and that someone was sitting beside him carding his fingers through his hair gently, making him feel calm. Slowly opening his eyes, an image of a peaceful Severus Snape welcomed him. Just then he recalled everything that had happened earlier.

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