the oath that bind

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Ron didn't know whether to be ashamed that Hermione and Pyar caught him and Blaise

snogging, or to be annoyed that the two witch interrupted them. Because, Merlin, Blaise was

one hell of a brilliant kisser, and he swore he could orgasm by Blaise just kissing him.

His annoyance might have been visible on his face as Blaise chuckled. That just made him

more annoyed because seriously that sound should be illegal as it had some interesting effects

on his traitorous body. Which was worst because the dark skinned Amaren was still on top of

him. Blaise then leaned down and whispered;

"Don't worry cariad, we'll continue soon. I promise," he purred placing one last chaste kiss on

his lips Blaise pulled away standing up, he held his hand towards his mate to help him stand as


Blaise then turned to looked at the two witches. Hermione looked embarrassed for barging in,

while Pyar stood beside her giggling.

"Draco said earlier that Potter is with Professor Kyles," said Blaise standing beside Ron, his arm

wrapped around his red headed mate.

"Yeah, but Professor Kyles went to the Gryffindor tower a while ago asking if Harry already

came back, and he hasn't yet," replied the bushy haired Gryffindor, frustrated. " and yes,

Ronald, I already checked the map, he isn't anywhere in the castle."

"We should inform the headmaster-"

"NO!" exclaimed Hermione and Ron in unison.

Blaise raised an eyebrow looking at the two oddly. "Why not? We all thought that the golden trio

fully trust the headmaster," he inquired.

"Well yeah we did, but last summer Harry warned us that every time the headmaster is around,

Harry was unsettled, and his instincts screamed danger, and, well, Harry's instinct are never

wrong," explained Ron.

"I see. Well I think the best we can do now is inform Professor Snape, since he's one of Potter's

mates," Blaise suggested.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other in silent conversation, after awhile they both nodded in

agreement. When they reached the entrance to the dungeons the new defence professor was

also there. Together they headed towards their potion professor's private quarters.


Severus had no idea how long he had been standing in the middle of his sitting room since his

little mate left. He in an emotional turmoil at the moment. He felt betrayed, hurt, angry,

devastated, confused, and guilty. What he had witness in the pensieve turned his entire world

upside down. That memory revealed so many truths and lies at the same time that it made his

head spin and his heart ache. He was brought back to his senses by a loud knock on his door

and was surprised to find not only one but five people standing outside his door.

The moment the Potions Master opened the door Kyles already knew that something was

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