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Harry was walking through a dimly lit hallway in an unfamiliar home. It was very silent and his footsteps created a very loud sound as he walked. He didn't know where he was going, he simply felt a strong pull leading him somewhere. Suddenly he froze as he passed a window and caught sight of his reflection. He stepped closer to the window and his eyes widened when he clearly saw his image. His appearance had changed. So much that he almost didn't recognize himself.

He now had a high cheekbones rather than his previous rounded face. His lips were now full, red and kissable. His nose was thin and a bit more pointed than before. His eyes were still bright emerald, but now had a glint of silver, and were framed by long, thick lashes. His hair was midnight black with streaks of green, silver, and violet cascading down to his hips. His lithe body now had a little curve and his hips were broader. His tan skin was now pale, smooth and unblemished. And what shocked him the most were the wings sprouting from his back. Black as his hair, with a wingspan of fifteen feet.

Soft voices talking from behind him stopped him from scrutinizing himself further. He spun around and noticed a door slightly ajar behind him. Curious, he slowly approached the door and carefully snuck inside. His heart clenched painfully and he felt numb and cold when he recognized who was inside the room. Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. Draco's appearance had also changed. Starting with his hair and continuing up to his pure white wings, but he could still recognize him easily. He tried to stepped back and run away, but he found himself rooted in place. So he just shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down, thinking "they aren't really there." But even if he was able to block his vision, he could still hear their voices as they spoke. He tried to ignore even that, but when the Potion's Master mentioned 'mate', his eyes snapped open and his heart beat erratically. There was something deep inside of him telling him that they were his mates, and he must accept them. To let them be aware of his presence, and that they should complete their bond as soon as possible.

One part of him agreed with that thought. That yes, he wanted them, he needed them. But another part of him was screaming NO. That can't be. I hate them. Then a very painful memory suddenly flashed at the front of his mind. A very excruciating memory that escalated more of his negative emotions inside him. And so the desire to accept the bond was overpowered by rejection. Then suddenly he was engulfed with darkness.


It was already seven in the morning when Severus arrived in his private quarters at Hogwarts. He spent all night with his young mate, explaining everything about being an Amaren. About their bonds, their other mate, and how to find him. Also he spent the entire night soothing his mate, as he was the one who was affected more by the emotional turmoil and rejection of their submissive mate. He was really confused as to why only Draco had that strong bond to their submissive mate. That was also what worried him much more. The immediate rejection of their mate. Who could it be?

He knew he should be exhausted now, but he felt no such thing. Instead he felt relaxed and light hearted. His thoughts were cut off by a knock on his door. He strode towards the door puzzled as to who would visit him this early in the morning. He was a bit surprised to find his fellow professor standing outside his door.

"Good morning, Severus,'' Lupin greeted with a small smile.

"Lupin,'' he gave the werewolf a curt nod. "And what do I owe for this unannounced visit?"

"I apologize if I came here without notice, something just happen and I need a word with you as soon as possible. Don't worry, it won't take long.''

Severus stared at the werewolf for a while, then he nodded and stepped aside to let him in. The Potion's Master sat in his arm chair, while Lupin sat opposite to him on the couch. Severus asked for some tea from one of the elves, and handed a cup to Lupin.

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