chapter 3

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A week had passed since the trio had come into their inheritance and everyone was now starting to worry about Harry. Right after the headmaster explain what happened to them, Harry requested to be left alone for a while, and since then he always locked himself in his room and only went down the kitchen to eat. He wouldn't talk to anyone and every time he heard conversations shift to talk about Amaren's, he would get ill tempered.

Remus suspected that Harry already knew about his mates. That was why the blond slytherin could feel Harry's rejection. How Harry found out who his mates were was still a mystery but if his theory was right, the two young Amaren shared a very strong bond. Remus was pulled from his thoughts when Hermione and Ron entered the kitchen bickering as usual.

"Your bloody mental Hermione, we just find out that we're bloody dark creatures and all you can say is it is amazing?" exclaimed Ron as he sat down across from the twins who suddenly stopped their near silent conversation when the two Amaren entered the room.

Hermione huffed. "Really Ronald, this book is rubbish. You should know by now that not everything the ministry says or writes is true,'' she scolded her best friend as she sat beside him, placing said book on the table.

Ron was about to counter but Remus interjected:

"Hermione is right, Ron. That book is nothing but lies. Let me share some facts I know about Amarens, also i-'' he suddenly stopped when he noticed Harry standing at the kitchen door.

He gave them a small smile and sat beside Hermione. They all now looked like their usual selves due to a glamour.

"It's alright, Moony. I also want to know,'' he said surprising everyone in the kitchen. He was about to open the book on the table, but Hermione quickly snatched the book from his grasp.

"Don't read this rubbish Harry. Another lie from the ministry,'' she explained when Harry looked at her questioningly.

At the same time, Remus pulled a silver book from his pocket and enlarged it. He handed it to Harry. "Here Harry. This book is legit, everything written in there are facts.''

Harry took the book and slowly opened it, but suddenly dropped the book when the scent of one of his mates washed over him. He stared wide eyed at Remus, and hastily returned the book.

"You knew he was like us?"

Remus nodded.

"Did you- did you tell him about me, about us?" he asked with trepidation.

Remus shook his head this time, and Harry sighed in relief. ''Even if I wanted to, I can't. It's against your rules,'' he explained.

The fact that Harry easily recognized that the book was owned by Severus was enough proof that his assumption was correct.

"So it's you,'' muttered Remus, merely stating a fact rather than questioning it.

"Yes,'' whispered Harry, fist clenched tight on his lap and staring at the top of the table.

""They felt it. In your bond, especially the younger one. He's in pain because of your rejection.''

Upon hearing about his other mate, Harry snapped his head up, and slammed his fist on the table.

"I don't bloody care if he's suffering or if he's going to fucking die,'' he yelled.

"Harry, what are you two talking about?" asked Hermione puzzled as to why her best friend was so angry and upset.

Harry took a deep breath and tried to relax back on his seat. "I don't want to talk about it right now. I'll tell you later,'' he said turning to look at his best friend.

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