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Remus snapped his eyes open as he bolted upright from his bed. The name of his husband that he was forced to forget slipped past his lips in a whisper "tom,"

He fell back on his bed when he suddenly felt lightheaded as he was assaulted by wave of memories over memories of his real self. His family. His life at Hogwarts. The very first time he met tom. Their dates, kisses. All their good and not so good moments. Their bonding night and that moment they made love. Then their very first big argument that caused him to leave the safety of their home and resulting for him to be abducted by Dumbledore.

'Dumbledore,' he spat inwardly. This was all his fault. He was the reason Why Tom became the insane Voldemort now. The manipulative, evil bastard ruined so many lives. He vividly remember now, James and Lily wasn't really the one married but it was James and Sirius. They had had twins. Dear merlin he needed to find Harry, no, it was Harvey. He needed to find Harvey's twin brother. He knew Lily did something to save the baby, he just had no idea what it was.

He also need to find out what Dumbledore did to Sirius for him to forget everything, most of all that he was an amaren just like his one son now. There's so much that is needed to do, for now he need to find Tom first. He tried to concentrate on their bond to communicate to his wayward husband just like they always did before, but unfortunately it wasn't working this time. It must be because their bond had been broken for a very long time.

With a heavy sighed he finally got up from bed to prepare for he was sure to be a very long day. He would check Sirius as his best friend had been suffering from an unusual headache for a month now. He was about to head towards the bathroom when his bedroom door burst open and Sirius entered. "Hey moony " Sirius abruptly stopped dead on his track when he saw the young man in front of him. He had midnight waist length hair, amber eyes, high cheekbones, pointy nose and pale smooth skin. This young man was obviously not his best friend Remy.

"Who are you?" he asked suspiciously his wand trained towards the stranger. Before Remus could react Sirius wand was suddenly clattered on the floor as he clutched his head using both hands as an ear piercing scream filled the room. Remus just barely got in time to reach his friend as Sirius fell unconscious on the floor. The amber eyed wizard quickly cast a diagnostic spell but the result showed nothing was wrong. He then carried the unconscious wizard unto his bed and gently laid him down. Sirius need much more experience healer. Poppy was out of the option as he was certain she was firmly under Dumbledore's thumb. He couldn't bring him to St mungo's either as Sirius was still a convicted wanted until now.

He knew of someone who was efficient in healing but he had no idea where he was living now. All he knew was abraxas' favorite among all the Malfoy estate was the villa in France. He brought them there once one summer. Deciding that there's no harm in Trying he strode towards the sitting r0om where the flo0 was located. He just wished that abraxas had not changed the wards yet and that he was still keyed in the villa. Sirius hadn't recognized him earlier which only meant one thing. His real physical appearance came back as well. Not only had his memories which were fortunate as it would make convincing Abraxas easier. Taking a deep breath he pinched s0me flo0 powder threw it into the fireplace, when it flared green he stuck his head on the fireplace and shouted "MALFOY VILLA, FRANCE, ABRAXAS MALFOY"

He gasped in surprise when he felt someone grabbed the front of his robes and pulled him through the flo0 and he found himself face to face with an equally surprise but suspicious abraxas Malfoy.

"Merlin abraxas why did you do that for?" Julian scolded as he stood up and brushed his r0bes of s0ots fr0m the fire place. Abraxas stared at the y0ung wizard in fr0nt of him with a mixture of disbelief, elation and suspicion. When his wards alerted him that s0me0ne was in the floo with the same magical signature as Julian, he reacted brashly and very unmalfoy, but he couldn't care less.

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