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Everyone inside the Tonks
residence was silent lost in their
own thoughts while watching the
amber eyed wizard fell into pitiful
sleep after his break and
Nymphadora was both still beyond
shocked about what they had
found out today. While Abraxas
was beyond furious of finding out
what his little brother had been
through. He need to talked to Tom
as soon as possible as Julian
needed him now above all. He was
certain that Tom would move
heaven and earth just to extract
his revenge once he found out
what had happened to his
mate,but it was inevitable.
The defeaning silence was
interupted when a house elf
appeared in front of them all of a
sudden. Abraxas was immediately
on alert when he realized it was
one of the Malfoy's house elves.
"Izzy, what happened?" the
blonde wizards immediately
demanded a bit loudly when he
realized the elf seems tense and
agitated that had cause Julian to
woke up from his slumber.
"Tilly be sending Izzy. Master
guess suddenly be trashing in his
sleep. He also be started
screaming," the elf respond
Upon hearing this Julian abruptly
turned to Andromeda who was
watching them confused. "Please,
help Siri. He really need a healer
"Siri? You mean Sirius Black? Why
didn't you informed me sooner?"
she inquired exasperated.
She then turned towards the elf "
Never mind, bring me to him
now," she ordered as she clutched
unto the elf's thin arms.
The elf looked at his master for
permission and when he saw his
master nod in agreement he
immediately pop out taking the
formidable healer with him.
As soon as they appeared in the
bedroom where her cousin was
confined she was immediately
assaulted by Sirius heart wreaking
"Merlin, no! please my babies.
Give my children back. James!
James! Don't leave me, you can't
be dead. Please wake up, James!"
Sirius screamed mournfully as
tears streamed down his face.
Julian suddenly fell on his knees
as he heard his friend's heart
breaking scream. His own tears
freely flowing from his dull amber
eyes. Nymphadora was also
silently crying beside the amber
eyed wizard as she watched his
cousin begged for something that
doesn't make any sense for her.
On the other hand while
Andromeda was also confused on
what her cousin was screaming
she immediately let go of the elf
and rushed beside the trashing
and screaming wizard held by two
more house elves. Followed closely
by her daughter. Drawing her
wand and pressing it to Sirius'
temple she then cast a spell to
scan the wizards mental state.
The result of her scan made her
swear rather loudly in anger, that
shocked her daughter as she never
once heard her mum swear like
Waving her wand again in a
complicated pattern then started
chanting an unknown spell Sirius
had gone still all of a sudden
cutting his horrific screams then
his body sagged back on the bed.
Much to everyone's relief.
When the healer was certain that
Sirius was alright for now she
turned towards the only person in
the room who held all the answers
to her so many amber eyed
"Tell me everything that happened
to Sirius, now," she stated firmly
her burning gaze not wavering to
the amber eyed wizard who was
still kneeling on the floor. Julian
hessitated for a moment but then
nodded in agreement when he
saw the determination in her
Abraxas rushed towards him to
help him get on his feet then led
Julian to the couch where Tonks
laid in earlier gesturing the two
witches to follow. Taking a deep
breath the amber eyed wizard
"When Sirius and James both
turned seventeen they both came
into their creature inheritance.
Then they found out they were
"Merlin and Morgana! Mates?" the
young auror exclaimed at the
same time her mother asked
"What creature they had become?
and why we haven't found out?"
the elder witch inquired
"I can't tell what creature they
are. But they are dark creature
that's why no one found out about
the two of them except me, Lily
and Dumbledore." replied Julian
as he spat the headmaster's
"Wait, Lily knew? Then why James
and her still got maried? " this it
was Nymphadora who asked
puzzled by everything that she
had been learning.
"It was just for a front so that no
one suspect something, Lily set
James free so He and Sirius could
be together. She understand that
no one can interefere the
mateship of those two then she
agreed to pretend that she's still
James Girlfriend,"
Julian looked at Andromeda in
confusion not really understanding
what it was she's asking.
"I mean why they had to go
through with all the trouble? They
can still hide their relationship.
But if they don't it would still be
alright as it's not uncommon in
our world for two males to be in a
relationship. And if people even
found out about the two of them
Im certain it wouldn't be a big
surprise as they were to close for
just being friends during their
time at hogwarts. Why the need
for Lily to pretend?" she
elaborated exasperated when she
saw the amber eyed wizard's
Before Julian could respond
Abraxas suddenly spoke for the
first time they had been there. "
let me guess. Dumbledore
suggested all of it. Sprouting
about the safety of Black and
Potter and for the greater good,"
the blonde wizard stated matter
of factly.
Julian sighed heavily as he
answered "yes, that's exactly what
he had said. And at that time we
trusted him whole heartedly so we
agreed to everything he said,"
Julian said regretfully. "But
everything has change when Sirius
got pregnant,"
The tea cup that the young auror
had been holding slipped on her
fingers and crashed on the floor
as she stared wide eyes to Julian
"Sirius got pregnant? It means
Harry is his son!" she commented
more as a statement than a
But Julian still answered her
anyway. "Yeah. Sirius got pregnant
and he gave birth to two beautiful
"Two?" Andromeda, Nymphadora
and Abraxas asked in unison
looking at him in shocked and
"Two. One named Harvey Evan
Potter-Black, also known as Harry
James Potter now. And the other
child was named Hugh Evan
Potter-Black," the amber eyed
wizard informed them.
"But where's the other child?
Everyone had thought Harry was
an only child,"
"Right after Sirius gave birth
Dumbledore arrived he did
something to the twins then he
informed us that Hugh is a squib
and so he needed to take the
baby away. Sirius was unconscious
at that time and James was sent
into a mission. Lily hadn't agreed
with what the headmaster wanted
but she couldn't do anything as
the headmaster informed her that
when James comes back from his
mission he wouldn't remember
anything anymore. All he would
know is that Lily was his wife,
Harry was their only child and
Sirius was his best friend and
Harry's god father. The same
would happened to Sirius when he
woke up. He also did to me what
he did to James and Siri. I just
don't understand why the
headmaster did all of that,"
"I see." the older witch stated "he
blocked Sirius memory , then he
also blocked his creature, add to
the fact that he spend so many
years in azkaban it weakened his
body and mind so much more,"
Andromeda explained her
"What I don't understand why his
block was just breaking just now.
He's been out in azkaban for
almost three years now. And I
don't supposed that it was just a
coinsident that I also regain my
memory now, and Harry came into
his creature inheritance this
summer," Julian said thoughtfully.
Andromeda snapped her gaze
towards Julian upon hearing that "
he's only sixteen," she asked in
surprise and disbelief
"He did. It was really because of a
potion accident, And no I can't
also tell you what creature he had
become. But they are the same
with Siri and James,"
"Alright, it would be wise to let
that issue aside for now. We need
to concentrate on helping Sirius,"
Andromeda stated firmly. She then
turned to face Abraxas "
Lord Malfoy could you please ask
Narcissa to come here? I'll be
needing her help," 'if only Bella
was sane enough she would be a
big help' she added inwardly.
The Malfoy Lord Just nodded the
walked out of the room to make a
floo call to her daughter in law at
Malfoy Manor.
Narcissa strode purposely towards
her son's music room when one of
their house elves informed her
that her husband had been there
since last night. She was still a bit
confused when her father in law
floo called her earlier asking for
her presence at Malfoy Villa in
france. Abraxas hadn't gave her
any explaination, just that her
assistance was needed there.
She wanted to informed Lucius
that he would be gone for a day
or two, as well as asked him if he
had any idea why her husband's
father suddenly summoned her.
When she finally reached Draco's
music room she just pushed the
door open not bothering to knock.
It was already past six in the
morning but Lucius still sat on
one of the couch in Draco's music
room. Harvey laid beside him his
head was on his lap as he gently
card Harvey's soft raven locks. His
thoughts were still on what had
happened earlier. After the young
gryffindor calmed down he had
manage to distract Harvey by
asking him to tell him about his
life at Hogwarts. He was pleased
when the young gryffindor
complied without hesitation.
Harvey then proceed to telling him
everything since that time when
he had recieved his Hogwarts
letter. About the philosopher
stone, the chamber of secret,
when Black escaped from azkaban,
the triwizard tournament,
Umbridge torture and Black near
death. When the young gryffindor
was done he was overwhelmed
with different emotions. One of
those is fury because of everything
the young gryffindor had been
through. Then the guilt as he
knew he had a part on it specially
about the chamber of Secret, he
was the reason it was once again
opened, and dear merlin, a
basilik! Harvey had fought a giant
basilik at the age of twelve and
survived. Then what happened at
the department of mysteries this
year. The young gryffindor almost
lost his father at that time.
His musing was interupted when
the room's door suddenly opened
and his wife strode in.
"Lucius, father had called-" lady
Malfoy froze from where he was
standing her words was cut off as
she saw the scene in front of her.
Harry Potter laid on the couch his
head settled on his husband's lap
sleeping peacefully.
"Lucius, what in Morgana's name
is going on here?" she hissed
softly not wanting the raven
haired gryffindor to suddenly woke
up. She was aware that Potter was
her son's mate but he hadn't
expected to see the young amaren
in their manor this soon. She was
actually expecting that it would
take much longer before the young
gryffindor accepted her son as his
mate because of their rivalry since
they were eleven.
She looked around the room in
hope that Draco was there as well
but she found none. It was really
just her husband and the young
Lucius gestured to her wife to wait
just for a moment. He then
returned his attention to the
sleeping amaren on his lap.
Gently caressing the young
amaren's cheek he said softly
"Harvey son, you need to wake up
Narcissa stared at her husband in
surprise. She had only seen Lucius
this affectionate towards Draco.
She watched as small smile grace
to the blonde wizard lips as the
young amaren woke up stretching
like a cute little kitten. He slowly
got up looking around with his
sleepy confused emerald orbs.
And Narcissa had to stopped
herself from cooing at how
adorable the young
amaren look at that moment.
Lucius on the other hand had no
qualms or what so ever as he
chuckled amusely at the young
amaren's antics. He then ruffled
his already messy locks as he
pullled Harvey closer to him.
"Come now you little kitten," he
teased that made the teen
scowled and pout at the same
time which made him much more
adorable in the eyes of the two
adults. "You need to go back to
Hogwarts now. Im certain your
friends and brother had been so
worried for you already,"
Harvey looked up at older wizard
nervously as he bit his bottom lip,
his eyes bright and hopeful "Can't
I just stay here?" asked the young
amaren as he hung his head down
in embarassment. He really had no
idea why but he felt safe here in
this manor and with the blonde
wizard "I just don't really want to
face Dumbledore now. And . .Sn-
At the mentioned of the
headmaster's name all traces of
humor and affection from the
Lucius' face was gone replaced by
that dark and menancing look as
he tightened his hold to the
young amaren
"We couldn't do anything to the
old fool for now. But I swear we
will make him pay. Just avoid him
as long as you can, and if you
couldn't ,make certain you will
never look directly to his eyes. You
understand me right, Harvey?"
Lucius asked firmly as he pulled
away a bit so he could see the
teens reaction and so that the
teen would really understand the
seriousness of what he had said.
When the young amaren nodded
in understanding a mischievous
glint suddenly flickered in his
stormy grey eyes and a smirk
plastered on his lips that made
Harvey feel wary all of a sudden.
"As for our stubborn potion
master," the blonde said humor
and mischief lacing in his voice
that made Harvey step back
"Er. . .what about him?" asked the
young amaren cautiously.
"Do you trust me , mio figlio?"
asked Lucius as he fixed the young
amaren with an intense gaze. But
to Harvey he could clearly see the
softness in those intense gaze.
As a responce Harvey smiled
brightly to the blonde wizard that
made both Lucius and Narcissa
heart warm just by seeing those
brilliant smile. It was so geniune
and full of emotions and sincerity.
"It might sound crazy and surreal
but I really do trust you," stated
Harvey softly.
"So if I told you that Severus
really want you, that he's just
being stubborn and all that non
sense you will believe me?"
inquired the blonde a bit eagerly.
"Uhm. .I don't really know, if he
really want me why did he throw
me out?" replied the young
amaren uncertainly.
"I really had no idea whats going
on to that stubborn head of
Severus, but one thing I'm certain,
just give him a couple of days to
sort his emotion out and he'll
come crawling back to you. And I
meant that literally," stated Lucius
with a smirk that made Harvey
flushed as an image of a crawling
Severus flickered to his mind.
Harvey shook his head mentally to
cast the tempting image away "do
you really think so?" he asked a
bit hopeful.
"Oh Im very much certain in no
time you will have that sexy
potion master kneeling in front of
you collared, naked and very much
hot and bothered,"
"Papa! that's not what I meant,"
the young amaren exclaimed in
mortification his face flushed red
in embarassment. Then he
suddenly froze as he looked wide
eyed at Lucius when he realized
what he just called the Malfoy
The blonde wizard was equally
surprised himself. He hadn't
expected for the young amaren to
consider him as parental figure
this soon, though he was hoping
that one day he would as he
himself already considered the
teen as his son. Maybe when
Harvey finally accepted Draco as
his mate. But now Harvey had
called him papa, the elation he
currently felt was overwhelming
that he wasn't able to stopped
himself from grinning like a fool as
he pulled the young teen to his
arm in a warm embrace that
relieved all the tension and worry
Harvey had felt.
Harvey snuggled closer to Lucius
relieved that he hadn't messed up
anything by blurting out all of a
sudden how the Malfoy patriarch
really meant for him. He still
thought it was quite surreal that
just a couple months ago he was
exchanging hexes and curses to
Lucius Malfoy, and then now here
he was snuggling the said wizard
and calling him papa.
All of a sudden someone cleared
their throat behind him that
almost made him jumped as he
wasn't really aware that they
weren't alone in the room
anymore. He gently pulled away
from his papa's embrace then
turned around to face the Lady of
the Manor, Narcissa Malfoy.
"Really Lucius, Severus would
gladly poison you for tainting his
mate with your dirty thoughts,"
tut-tut Nascissa but Lucius just
smirked indifferently. While Harvey
thought his face would be
permantly flushed in
embarassment while he was here.
"Er. . .good morning Lady Malfoy,"
murmured Harvey not really
having any idea what to say.
Unlike Lucius he wasn't very
familiar with Lady Malfoy . He had
only seen her maybe once or twice
so hdm had no idea how to act
around her.
Narcissa eyed the young amaren
intently that made Harvey
squirmed on where he was
standing next to his papa.
Narcissa though very much curious
about the presence of the young
amaren at Malfoy manor chose to
keep her silence and watched as
her husband and the teen
interact. If she didn't know any
better he would think that the
two was this close to each other
for a very long time already
instead of just this night. The way
they comfortable interact with
each other, the teasing, the
overwhelming emotion the two of
them had for each other was
rather astounding and
unbelievable, but refreshing at
the same time. It had been a very
long time she hadn't seen her
husband act like this carefree and
she was thankful for the young
amaren for that and was hoping
for it to go on for as long as
She was also surprise when the
teen suddenly called Lucius, Papa.
Whatever bond the two had had
she knew she couldn't take part
of, but she was content to become
even just an aunt or something.
She was certain that someday
Lucius would finally found
someone whom he love and would
love him just as much. And when
that time comes, she would be
very happy for him.
Returning her attention to the
young amaren in front of her, her
gaze softening as She smiled at
him warmly not wanting to make
the teen much more nervous and
uncomfortable. "good morning to
you as well, ," she greeted as she
moved closer to him and gently
caressed his face she mocked
whispered "don't let Lucius fill
your head with his perverted
"I did no such thing," Lucius
huffed exasperated. "come now
son, it's time to share to you the
secret to Malfoy's etheral beauty.
When Im done with you, let's just
say Severus would be having a
very hard time restraining himself
around you," stated the blonde
wizard in sadistic glee.
Narcissa's thinkering laughter
echoed inside the room as he
stared at the horrified teen.
Really, Lucius should have
expected this young amaren to be
very much different from their
Draco who was an epitome of
vanity, beauty and grace, which
very much lack the young
gryffindor at the moment. She
wasn't saying that the young
amaren wasn't beautiful. In fact
he's georgeous and she dare say
sexy in a manly way. He just need
a little make over to bring out the
best in him. Lucius was right, but
the way he was currently eyeing
the teen she was very much
certain he would go overboard
that would surely traumatize the
young amaren. A simple make over
would do for now.
"Really, Lucius look what you've
done. You've scared the poor boy,"
Lady Malfoy softly reproved
Harvey let out a relieved sigh as
he sent a small greatful smile
towards the blonde witch thinking
that he was saved from Lucius
insane idea. But the smile quickly
fell from his lips as the said witch
"While I agree that a make over
need to be done, I suggest a
simple spells and charm will do
for now," she commented a she
wave her wand that Harvey hadn't
noticed the witch had drawn
earlier. She muttered a simple
charm and his baggy clothes
suddenly vanished replaced by a
simple emerald fitted shirt and a
tight leather pants and a dragon
hide boots.
Another wave of her wand this
time above his head and he felt
his hair glamour faded. His long,
silky raven hair cascade down his
waist. When Narcissa was satisfied
with her work she then conjured a
full body mirror and let the young
amaren see his gorgeous self.
Harvey'r jaw dropped open when
he saw his reflection in the mirror
in awe and shocked. He couldn't
believe that beautiful person in
the mirror was him. All his life he
had believed himself as nothing
but an ugly, scrawny little freak.
But what he was seeing now was
the complete opposite. Then he
frowed when a sudden thought
crossed his mind.
"You did well with the hair Cissa
dear," Lucius commented gleefully
" Severus has a weakness with
long hair. Oh what I wouldn't give
just to see Severus reaction when
he saw you enter the great hall
looking so stunning and ravishing
like that," he muttered wistfully
Narcissa nodded in agreement but
both her and Lucius abruptly
sobered when they noticed the
frown on the young amaren's face
"what's wrong Harvey dear?"she
inquired softly. She was still
confused by the name but let it
go for now she would get his
answer later.
"But I don't want him to want me
just because of how I look," the
dejected young amaren said softly
avoiding both the adult gaze.
"Of course not," the blonde wizard
stated firmly "He will certainly
come to you no matter how you
look. I've known Severus since he
was eleven. Believed it or not he
already want you even before he
found out that you're his mate,"
When Harvey gave him an
increadulous look he waved him
off as he continued "let's just say
that it was some sort of
punishment for hurting you and
throwing you out. let him suffer
the consequence of his
thoughtless action and
Harvey was silent contemplating
on what the blonde wizard had
said. After a while he finally
nodded in agreement making
Lucius went back to his unusual
cheerful self. The teen returned
his gaze on the mirror just then
he remembered the streaks on his
"I can't show to everyone like this.
The streaks on my hair would be a
dead give away about my creature
inheritance," he commented
caressing the said streaks.
"Oh, no worries about that dear,
here let me fix it," said Narcissa
as she pointed her wand on his
once again, and within seconds
the streaks on his hair was hidden
by a glamour.
"There you go. Perfect,"
"Not yet," said Lucius as he moved
behind the young amaren. He
gathered Harvey's hair on his
hands and gently braided it down
to the very end. He then conjured
a leather strap and tied it on
Harvey's braided hair.
"There. That's perfect. Simply
beautiful" he exclaimed ecstatic.
"I look like a girl," the teen
complained pouting
"No you're not! You're beautiful in
a manly way. Alright enough of
that pouting you should really go
now," said Lucius as he led the
young amaren to the door.
Harvey immediately sobered at
that. All insecurities and fear
returning once again. What if this
was just all a dream? what if
when he walked of the door he
couldn't go back here ever again.
what if after this Lucius would
returned to the way he had
treated him before. That last
thought made his heart clenched
painfully. Lucius sensing the teens
train of thought took one of his
ring from his finger. It was actualy
a Malfoy heir ring. He was
supposed to give it to Draco on
his seventeenth birthday. But he
was certain his wouldn't mind if
he gave it to Harvey now. The teen
was basically a family now, It's
just a matter of when. And he had
a feeling it would be sooner
rather than later.
Harvey was confused when his
papa took off one of his ring. He
was certain that it was it was a
family heirloom as he could see
the Malfoy crest on it. He was
then shocked when the blonde
wizard took his hand and slid the
ring on his finger and watched it
resize immediately.
The young amaren then looked at
Lucius puzzled and curiously.
"This is the Malfoy heir ring," said
Lucius. The young amaren gasped
wide eyed as he tried to took the
ring off. But Lucius immediately
stopped him.
"Don't Harvey. Im giving it to you
take it,"
"But. . .but Im not your heir," the
young amaren protested "This
belongs to Draco," he added softly
as he stared at the ring in wonder
when he suddenly felt like
someone embraced. It felt warm,
comfortable and safe.
Aware of what the young teen was
currently experiencing he
explained "Draco's magic was
already infused in this ring. What
you're feeling right now is Draco's
magic accepting yours. It means
both your magic is compatible. It
could never harm you in any way.
And don't worry about Draco's
reaction. He would be glad to find
out that I gave you his ring,"
Above everything that the Malfoy
Patriarch had said only one thing
stuck on his mind ' both your
magic is compatible. It could
never harm you in any way' .If
that's true which he believed was
indeed the truth as he knew
Lucius would never lie to him
about this as he had no idea what
his did to him. If what the blonde
wizard was saying was true, then
how come Draco was able to cast
the curse on him? He didn't really
want to held his hope high. But
maybe, just maybe it wasn't really
Draco. That it was just someone
who was trying to paint a bad
image of Draco. He now remember
that time on the train when Draco
begged for him to accept Severus.
Then the looks the blonde was
giving him during the welcoming
feast. It was very much different
from the Draco that did those
horrible things to him.
All of a sudden he was washed
over with a sense of relief and
acceptance his amaren mark
suddenly flashed brightly
indicating of his acceptance of one
of his mate. This time it was
Draco. Somewhere in the slytherin
boys dorm the same happened to
Draco's mark.
It was not Draco that did those
horrible things to him, he was very
much certain of that fact now. And
he was very much relieved and
happy about that he couldn't
stopped himself from bursting into
Lucius abruptly stopped talking
when he realized Harvey was not
listening to him anymore. The
teens eyes was glaze as though he
was not there with him.
"Harvey, son are you alright.? he
asked worriedly. But the teen
didn't react at all. He tried again
this time shaking him a bit but
still had done nothing to captured
the teens attention. Even Narcissa
already moved closer to them
when she realized something was
"Lucius, what's going on?" she
asked looking at the teen
worriedly when she noticed his
eyes were glazed and empty as
though an imperious was cast on
"I don't know. He just suddenly
become like that. I've tried to call
him so many times already. Then
he started to felt panic inside
when he too finally noticed the
dull and empty eyes of his son. He
was about to do just that when
the young amaren suddenly burst
into tears.

Lucius immediately pulled the crying
teen into his arms feeling relieved
and worried at the same time.
"Harvey, son. What's wrong? Please
tell me. I'll make it all better. I
swear," the devastated blonde
wizard whispered as he tried to calm
his son down. He cupped the teens
face with both his hand as his
thumb tried to wiped those tears
that keep streaming down his face.
He saw Harvey opened his mouth as
though he wanted to say something
but instead of words, an ear piercing
scream came out of the teens mouth
then his hand clutched his head

Both Malfoys stared in horror as the
teen continued screaming while
clutching his head tightly. Lucius
immediately curse when he caught
sight of the now burning red curse
mark. Muttering a silent apology and
hoping that the vow won't take this
as him harming the teen. He quickly
draw his wand out and pointed at
the teen.

"Lucius, what are you doing?"
Narcissa asked in dread but Lucius
paid him no mind. He just close his
eyes then softly whispered "stupefy,"
the bright red light sped towards
it's target and hit the teen square
on his chest before Narcissa was
able to do anything.

None of them
noticed the fully transformed amaren
that suddenly appeared inside the
room looking very furious and ready
to rip anyone who had dared to
harm his mate.

"Lucius, what have you done?" she
asked horrified. When the screaming
had stop only did the blonde wizard
opened his eyes as he fell on his
knees feeling very weak all a sudden.

Then he froze when a voice he was
very familiar with spoke behind him.

"Indeed father, what have you done
to my 'mate'? asked Draco. His voice
was so cold and his eyes blazing in

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