Untitled Part 6

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Never in his entire life he had felt this strong of a pull towards someone. Okay, scratch that. He had felt this way before. Okay. scratch that. He had felt this once before. Then he had let the pull draw him deeper, in the end he had made a terrible mistake and he had suffered the consequences. But no. This time it was different. It was as though he had known him for so long. When he first laid eyes on him there was something deep inside of him that snapped that made him feel warm and complete. And now despite the emotional turmoil that he felt at the moment, his mere presence brought him calmness and made him feel safe and protected.

So lost in his thoughts Harry hadn't notice the cold glare the two Slytherin were sending to the new defence professor since they had arrived at the Headmaster's office, the Gryffindor's attention was solely focused on said professor. While professor Kyle was wearing a blank expression, the amusement in his eyes was crystal clear, much to the two Slytherin's chagrin.

Harry was startled when the young professor suddenly leaned forward towards him ignoring the growl from Severus and Draco. Their faces were only inches away from each other and he could clearly see the swirl of hazel in his professor's grey eyes. Then professor Kyle did something entirely unexpected. He pinched Harry's cheek as though he was just a cute little toddler. Harry was sure his face was so flushed from embarrassment. He scowled at him while rubbing his sore cheek, but the young professor just gave him a bright smile which made it hard for him to stay irritated or angry because of the professor's childish antics. Then with a flash the happy demeanor slipped off and turned serious.

"We'll talk later, yeah? I want to discuss something to you, " the young professor said as he ruffled Harry's messy locks. The Gryffindor was confused at the sudden change and only nodded in agreement.

A twin growl at the other side of the office reminded Harry that they were not the only people in the room. That his two mates were there as well. The Potions Master was about to say something but was interrupted when the door opened and the headmaster together with the head of Gryffindor house strode in.

If the Potions Master noticed the sudden shift in protective stance of the young professor for the raven haired gryffindor. He didn't mentioned it, but made a mental note to investigate further later on.

"Good you're all here now. This won't take long. I'm just asking you boys to explain to us what happened on the train?" said the Headmaster shifting his gaze from the raven haired Gryffindor to the blonde Slytherin. Harry's reply was not what the two Slytherins expected, but pleased the new defence professor. Severus and Draco expected the Gryffindor to blame Draco, or for him to tell the Headmaster about them being mates and ask the headmaster to order them to stay away from him.

"We just had our usual argument professor, and I think I lost control of my magic again. I'm having a hard time controlling my magic since the incident this summer," replied Harry.

"I see," muttered the Headmaster with a thoughtful expression. 'This isn't good. If Harry can't control his magic there's a possibility of the wizarding world findin out about Harry being an Amaren, a dark creature. If he keeps having this kind of magic outburst which would not be good for the light side, and most especially not good for me.' the headmaster thought.

"Headmaster, If Mr. Potter likes, I can give him private lessons that will help him control his magic. I had the similar problem when I was fifteen. My parents hired a mind magic and magical core master. He taught me occlumency which is a great factor in controlling our magic together with the meditation to search and centralize our magical core," the young professor suggested.

"That's a wonderful suggestion Aries," agreed the Headmaster.

"Albus, I'm already teaching Potter occlumency. It's hazardous for his mental health if you assign him a new instructor," disagreed the Potions Master abruptly. While it was true that a new instructor would not be good for Harry's mental health because his mind was already immune to the Potion Master's magic, and to expose his mind repeatedly to someone other than him would be detrimental. But of course that was not the sole reason why he didn't agree. He didn't like the thought of Harry, his mate, spending time alone with the young professor. And if the concealed amusement in the young professor's eye was anything to go by, the damn professor was well aware of his dislike of the suggestion.

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