lost snacks mystery

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straight jebewon 🤪
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taeraetubbies ⛄
ok WHO ate my snacks???

gyubie ppappa 👻
idk bro but they were delicious

taeraetubbies ⛄

gyubie ppappa 👻
chill it wasn’t me i’m just saying they must’ve been good

leader binnie 👑
ok everyone calm down. let’s figure this out like adults

mattchuu pichuu 🗿
taerae have you considered that maybe you ate them yourself and forgot

taeraetubbies ⛄
i have a system. they were perfectly stacked by flavor, matthew

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
bro really said “stacked by flavor” 💀

taeraetubbies ⛄
you wouldn’t understand. it’s called ORGANIZATION

boss baby richard 💼
ok but this is serious. those snacks were imported. like… who would do this??

wookie pookie 🐻
i mean the obvious answer is yujin

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
why me??

wookie pookie 🐻
you literally snack at 3 a.m. every night. you’re the prime suspect

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
ok wow. maybe i snack but i have STANDARDS. i don’t touch other people’s food

old man woong 🧓
didn’t you eat my ice cream last week?

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
i thought it was free game!!!

gyubie ppappa 👻
“free game” is what thieves say lmao

jelly haohao 🍇
yujin is definitely guilty. let’s just vote him out

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
this isn’t among us!!!

taeraetubbies ⛄
it’s ok. i’ll solve this myself. i’m officially detective taerae now

mattchuu pichuu 🗿
oh no he’s serious

taeraetubbies ⛄
interrogates gyuvin
where were you last night at approximately 11:47 p.m.?

gyubie ppappa 👻
...playing valorant. check the logs 🫡

taeraetubbies ⛄
hm. you’re clear for now

taeraetubbies ⛄
where were YOU at 11:47?

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
asleep 😇

wookie pookie 🐻
no you weren’t i literally heard you in the kitchen

sunshine yujinnie 🌞

leader binnie 👑
yujin just admit it

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
no body no crime 😌

taeraetubbies ⛄
binnie can we check the cameras??

leader binnie 👑
sure, hold on

5 minutes later

old man woong 🧓
ok detective binnie, what’s the verdict

leader binnie 👑
yujin in the kitchen at 3 a.m. stealing snacks and doing the macarena

gyubie ppappa 👻

taeraetubbies ⛄

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
ok fine i took them BUT
in my defense… i was hungry

taeraetubbies ⛄
yujin you will NEVER know peace again

boss baby richard 💼
taerae pls it’s not that serious

taeraetubbies ⛄
richard. those were my limited edition snacks.
it IS that serious

jelly haohao 🍇
this group is an actual circus

gyubie ppappa 👻
don’t pretend you’re above it hao

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
ok but was the macarena good at least

leader binnie 👑

wookie pookie 🐻
absolutely not

mattchuu pichuu 🗿

taeraetubbies ⛄
i’ll never forgive you yujin

sunshine yujinnie 🌞
love you too ❤️

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