chapter 5

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Ruslan grabbed the wrist of saiyuri. "Marry me... Marry me Sweetheart! And this war will never happen or i know a few more tactics"................

To be continued....


Saiyuri had  a frown and growing  fear inside her. How are you even Daring to ask me for marriage—She said

But Ruslan cuts her words off   in the middle and says .  Dare ...? You don't even know anything about me  princess.

Yet~ . I don't know anything about you yet. Mr. Ivancov. she said trying to bury her fear inside.

Ruslan's face grew a mischievous smile when she said "Mr.  Ivancov" he heard  people calling him that a lot but this time  his stomach did a thing. It worked on him like magic.  Yes soon-to-be Mrs.  Ivancov. Yet. Don't test my patience I am trying hard to keep myself behaved in front of you.

She was taken aback by his words. Are you crazy or what I won't marry you in what language I have to say.

The mischievous smile didn't left his face and  it grew wider. Don't tire... Don't tire your pretty mouth sweetheart.  You don't have  much of a say in this matter. Either you will agree or i will make you.

His voice sent a shiver through her spine but she didn't let that show on her face and stepped forward. Tumne kya ise koi  movie samajh rakha he,  kuch nahi bol rahi hu toh bakwaas kiye ja rhe he ho huh!. She said while raising her voice.

He was genuinely confused  but he didn't care what she said he was just listening to her voice like music to his ears and he moved his  gaze towards vikaram who was cursing him in his head and made a gesture to translate it.

Vikram let out a sigh. She is saying  do you think it's some kind of movie she isn't  saying much doesn't mean you can spout nonsense. Vikram translated it.

Ruslan raised his eye brow letting out a  smile. Sweetheart , if you think that's nonsense i can't do much about it. He pulled her closer and cupped her cheek with his one hand to make her look at him.

She was struggling in his grip his face  was just inches away from here she could feel his  hot breath against her   face.

Author: oho the things are about to get steamy.(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Vikram was going closer to him to make  him let saiyuri go. But saiyuri gestures for him to stop.

She pushed  him away and slapped him  across his face.  Pata nahi khud ko kya samjhte ho.  Consent  nam ki chiz jante ho.  She said  while her face frowned.

( Who do you think you are. Don't you know about something called consent)

Author:  well I guess not.🙂  ( consent is important) 

Ruslan's eyes softened. Did I hurt you "princess"  i think I was wrong here. I am liking you feisty  side more than anything.

Vikram was standing in side trying to control his chuckle  in this intense situation which didn't help much watching Ruslan in This behaviour was totally not totally he was expecting.

Ruslan frowned. Why you laughing. He asked.

Vikram couldn't help but burst out of laughter. Is it the great  mafia king   Ruslan ivancov speaking because I heard a  someone apologising I don't think so it's you anymore. Vikram  said taunting while controlling his laugh.

Author: abhi has lo beta bad me dekhana tum kya kya karte ho🗣️

Saiyuri sat down on the couch thinking about some things  she was in deep thought.  Some  cells of her brain started to work she was thinking logically.

While vikarm and Ruslan were fighting each other on the other side of the room like dogs and cats.

Vikram- and you  nevermind can you two stop fighting. Saiyuri said  in irritated tone.

Ruslan and vikarm stood right infront her straight. What are you thinking Sai. Vikram asked.

Saiyuri sat straight.  Vikarm mujhe Ranapur wapas nahi jana  shaadi nahi karni mujhe usse. Thodi der ke liye bhar jao mujhe ye is ravan se bat karni he. She said her voice was irritated yet calm.

(Vikarm I don't want to go back to Ranapur. I don't want to marry that guy can you leave the room for a  few minutes i want to talk to this ravan)

Vikam sighed understanding the matter and   tapped ruslan's shoulder while whispering In his ear. She wants to talk to you alone don't disappoint her. Vikarm said before leaving the room and left them alone to talk.

Ruslan and saiyuri was alone in the room there was a pin drop silence. He was excited and sat down right in front of her.

Saiyuri looks at him. You want to marry me? She asked.

Without any hesitation he answered. Ofcourse yes. Marry me i what you to be mine.

His voice was making her melt  she was trying to control herself to not to give in his conditions

If  you want me to marry you. I have some conditions if you agree to them i  consider your thoughts. She said nervously.

Ruslan raised his eyebrow. Conditions? Sweetheart  do you think you got the choice in this matter. I said you will marry me means you will you can't leave me. He said with each  word his voice got  dark and  dense.

He got up from his  place  and walked towards her and grabbed her wrist. I don't play by anyone's rules but his voice got softer. I can make exceptions
I love you- sweetheart don't worry take your time you are not leaving until then. He said chuckling

Author: thappad kha ke bhi nahi mana yeh dheet insan. 🙂 Dusra kha ke manega.


That's it for today sorry for late updates but yes I wasn't getting any motivation to write. That's why this chapter is shorter than privious one.

Do tell in comments if you guys what specific pov of characters.

Thank you for all the comments and patience.✨🎀

"I will post some memes attached to chapters from the next chapter do tell in the comments" if you guys want that.

Do vote  and comment for the next chapter.

Follow  me on instagram @aast.hawrites

Words- 1040

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