Angel Human meets Human Angel

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Castiel, looking around nervously at the numerous objects on the store's shelves, he almost seemed lost and unsure of what exactly he should look for. Glancing at someone for help, he quietly walked up.

"Do you know how much someone should eat in a day?" He observed everything in her cart, trying to make sense of the items, wondering if he would need the same. His basket looked quite pitiful compared to hers— with a lonely loaf of bread and some peanut butter, along with a carton of eggs.

She stares back at him reading his expression. As if gauging him.

Meeting her eye contact, he quickly averted his attention to the ground, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His body language was clearly shy and uncomfortable, the store clearly wasn't a place he was too used to being in. He kept eyeing her shopping cart, trying to figure out what he might need.

"What do you mean how much someone should eat in a day?" Trying to coax him to explain a little further, her voice soft and gentle and nurturing. Something you can usually hear mostly with psychiatrists.

Feeling more at ease by her gentle and kind tone, Castiel slowly relaxed a bit— lifting his head to meet her gaze. He tilted his head slightly, seeming to debate his answer.

"I'm aware that humans need food to survive. I was never sure how much is the appropriate amount. I don't understand why that is." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck out of awkwardness.

"Humans..." She repeated, contemplative.

She whispers, "You sound like you're not used to being a human... you... aren't?"

Hearing herwords, his shoulder tensed, clearly taken by surprise. He didn't think anyone would pick up on something like that right away. He glanced around quickly to make sure no one else overheard, then answered her quietly.

"Why do you ask that?"

He asked, his body language now reflecting his nerves. It was clear he was nervous, yet he was making an effort to try and keep himself more composed than he felt.

"Just making sure, so I can answer your question properly."

His nervous demeanor softened a bit upon hearing her answer, though he still seemed unsure. He glanced away for a moment, seeming to think through his response.

"I'll be honest with you... I'm not human..." He responded quietly, hoping that what he was saying wouldn't get him in any trouble.

"Okaayy.." She said as she thought and looked at her own cart.

Following her gaze, Castiel observed what she had in her shopping cart with curiosity. He was trying his best to figure out exactly what all the items in there were used for. As he thought and stared at the contents, he glanced back at his own basket, realizing it was still almost empty and lonely-looking

"Ah! Ok. Wait." She exclaims.

She pulls out her tablet that is hanging on her body like a bag.

"You need to learn the basics, and then you can go from there.

What's your name by the way?"

Curiously watching her pull out her tablet, his eyes flicked over it, wondering what exactly she was pulling it out for. His eyes returned back to her as she asked for his name.

"Castiel." He responded, a hint of curiosity in his voice. He tilted his head, waiting to see what she would do next.


She shows him a picture of a food pyramid.

"Before I explain, this isn't exactly followed by everyone.

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