Chapter 8 - The Chamber of Secrets

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Elli's Pov

Enemies of the heir beware. You'll be next, mudblood's. I could have slapped him right then and there. But with all of the writing in blood on the wall, I decided it would be best not to.

Grinning, he broke our eye contact to look at the immobile cat.

I should have known. Someone raised by Lucius Malfoy always chooses pure blooded status over anything else. Especially if he was being a jerk about it.

Attracted no doubt by Draco's shout, Argus Filch came shouldering his way through the crowd. "My cat! My cat! What's happened to Mrs. Norris?"

He immediately look to Harry. And then to Hermione, Ron, Hawke, and Kaylin. "You've murder my cat. You've killed her! I'll kill you! I'll -"

Dumbledore arrived on the scene, followed by a number of teachers including my dad. I grabbed Gracie's arm and pulled her out of the crowd.

"What are you doing?" Gracie asked as soon as we were out of the crowd. "I want to see what happens to him."

"To who?" I said, still pulling Gracie from the crowd. "Harry? Mr. Filch? Draco?"

"Calm down, Elli," said Gracie, pulling her arm from my grasp. "There's bloody writing on the wall with a cat hanging under it. Wouldn't you wan to know what happens?"

"No, I don't want to know what happens," I said and Gracie gave me a confused look. "Something bad is happening here."

"Yeah," said Gracie. "Did you hear what I said about the bloody writing on the wall?"

I didn't answer and kept walking.

"Elli!" called Gracie, catching up to me. "What do you mean 'something bad is happening'? Of course something bad is happening here. Are you blind of something, a cat was hanging from a torch. Hanging."

I rolled my eyes, "That's not the bad thing that is happening. It's something worse than a cat hanging and some bloody writing on a wall."

"Can there be something worse than that?"

"Yes, I think so."

Gracie went back to see what would happen with the whole cat hanging situation and I started to walk back to the Ravenclaw tower.

I couldn't believe that the Chamber didn't have anything to do with death. I mean, I was glad that no one died but it still didn't make any sense that I had a vision about it.

I only had visions if someone was going to die and no one did. The only thing that happened with the Chamber was a cat hanging from a torch. I wasn't hoping that the cat died but if it did, the vision would make sense. But for right then, I was very confused.

"If I might speak, Headmaster," I heard someone say.

I rounded the corner and saw a light coming from Professor Lockhart's office. I quietly went over to the slightly opened door and peered in, making sure I wasn't seen.

In the office was Dumbledore along with Lockhart, McGonagall and my dad. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Kaylin, and Hawke were also there.

"Potter and his friends may have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time," my dad continued to say, "but we do have a set of suspicious circumstances. Why were they in the upstairs corridor at all? Why weren't they at the Hallowe'en feast?"

The five of them launched into an explanation about some Deathday Party. And I was wondering if they were telling the truth. Yes, Hawke and Kaylin were one of my best friends but that didn't mean that I entirely trusted them.

My dad continued to try and disprove their story and even went to the lengths to suggest that Harry, Kaylin, and Hawke be thrown off the Quidditch team, but McGonagall would not have it, neither would Dumbledore.

"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," said the Headmaster.

My dad did not look so please, neither did Filch.

"My cat had been Petrified!" he shrieked. "I want to see some punishment!"

The cat was petrified, that did not make any sense. Why would I have a vision about a cat being petrified? Of course someone would have a cure and the cat would be fine.

The cat wouldn't die and my vision would still be as weird as ever.

"You may go," Dumbledore said and then Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hawke, and Kaylin started to walk out of Lockhart's office.

I quickly stepped out from the door and hid around the corner until the five of them passed. When they were no longer in sight, I went back and stood by the door.

I wasn't even at the door for ten seconds and someone said, "You can come in Miss. Snape." I opened the door slowly and stepped inside.

As I entered, the professors turned to look at me.

"I wasn't meaning on listening, Headmaster," I said, approaching the professors slowly. "I was just walking and -"

Dumbledore held up his hand and said, "It's alright, Elli. You deserve to know more than anyone else." He looked at Mrs. Norris and then back at me. "Did you see anything about this particular event?"

I looked down to the floor. I didn't feel very safe telling the guy that almost killed me with rouge pixies that I see death before it happens.

"Elli," my dad said, taking a step towards me. "All of the professors know what happens to you. Even though you might not think it, it's for the best."

He pushed a strand if hair out of my eyes, "Can you tell us if you saw anything?"

"Well, yes but no," I said and but of course nobody understood. "What I'm trying to say is that yes I had a vision but no I didn't see anything about Mrs. Norris getting petrified."

"Elli, if you have a vision you are supposed to tell someone," said Dumbledore.

"Tell who?" I asked. "That nut job, Professor Trelawney."

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and I swear that McGonagall had a little smile on her face.

I looked around the room, "What? I just said what everyone was thinking."

Dumbledore took a deep breath and said, "Then you tell either myself or you father."

"Tell you guys abut what?" I asked. "The half of a vision I was having. It wouldn't have made any difference!"

"Any difference?" said Dumbledore. "We could have at least known what was coming."

"What could you have done with a five second  head start?" I asked. "Cleaned the blood off the walls before the students could see it?"

"Elli, enough!" exclaimed my dad.

"I just don't fell like being blamed for something that I can't control," I said in return.

"You're not being blamed -"

"Well, it sure feels that way," I said and tried to leave the office. But before I even got a couple feet from the door, McGonagall took my arm and brought me back to the center of the room.

"We're not blaming you, Elli," she said. "But all we asked is that if you have a vision, whole or not, you come and tell one of us."

I looked at the professor, "I think I can do that."

She smiled.

I looked at Mrs. Norris's stiff body and hoped that this was going to be the only effect of this attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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