Chapter 1- Moved On

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Elli's Pov

        She was right.

        She was right in that dad had only stayed at Daisy Meadows because of mum. And now that mum isn't here anymore, there is nothing holding him back.

        We got the news a week after we came back from Hogwarts: to pack our things in cardboard boxes and to be ready to leave any time; to leave Daisy Meadows.

        And this was one of the rare times Elise had questioned our father.

        "But why?" she asked, throwing down the pile of cardboard boxes that he had given us. "Just because mum isn't here anymore, doesn't mean that we have to move!"

        "Elise, it's too hard for me in this house," said my dad, keeping his voice calm.

        "Do you ever think that it's hard for Elli and I, too!" yelled Elise.

        "I'm sorry that you lost your mother-"

        "Well, now we just lost our house, too," said Elise and the she picked up her pile of cardboard boxes and stormed up to her room.

        Now, as I sit in my tiny town house bedroom, I know she was right; we had lost our mother and the house that we shared with her. Our fondest memories in that house, we left with the moving truck.

        I haven't unpacked, I think that if I don't pack none of this will be real. My dad will have time to think about it and he will figure out that he made a mistake and we will go back home.

        But it has been a month and that hasn't happened. And the box are still piled along the walls of my bedroom, untouched and collecting dust. Clothes were draped all over the boxes but none of the stuff inside was disturbed.

        The only thing on my nightstand was my wand and a picture of my mother and my two year old self. I still remember the smell of her perfume, the softness of her hair, and the way she laughed. The picture reminds me that there is still hope, even though you think all has gone.

        There was a knock on my door. I knew it was Elise.

        Everything had been different for her, even though she was upset about the move, she had her things completely unpacked the second week in the small house. She said that it was time to move on, that things were done, and that there was nothing in the world that would change his mind.

        I got up and managed to open the door around the pile of boxes in front of the door. When I opened the door, Elise was standing there and she was holding two letters.

        She looked into my room, "Elli, you have to unpack and accept that we live here now. We are not going back."

        She walked into my room and shut the door. Elise sat on my bed, with the letters in her hand but all I did was stare. She had changed a lot since last summer. One, she had cut off her long locks of dark, red hair for a pixie cut. And second, she actually doesn't hate me that much anymore.

        "Elli," said Elise, holding the letter towards me. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to open your Hogwarts letter?"

        "I guess I will open my letter," I said, grabbing the envelop of yellowish parchment, addressed in green ink out of her hand. I sat down on the bed next to Elise.

        I opened my letter and it told me to catch the Hogwarts Express as usual from King's Cross Station on September 1st. There was also a list of the new boos I'd need for the coming year.

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