Chapter 4- I Guess Not

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Elli's Pov

"Quidditch practice today, Elli?"

        I turned around to see David and Cho walking my way. I hoped that I could have gotten to the library unseen but nothing ever goes my way. I even got up early on a Saturday morning and I never do that!

        I wanted to look up what the creature were without somebody hovering over my shoulder and telling me there was nothing there. Because I knew there was; I just needed to know what was there.

        David and Cho caught and stopped in front of me. This wasn't going to go very well.

        "Quidditch practice today, Elli?" asked David again.

        "I don't think so guys," I said. "I'm sorry." I tried to walked around them but they wouldn't let me pass.

        "Just come out for one practice," said Cho. "We have the pitch after the Gryffindor team."

        "And I think the team would be happy to see you," said David.

        "You won the cup last year, I think you can do it again without me," I said. I tried to walk away again but they still would let me. I knew they would stop until I agreed.

        "Please, Elli," Cho pleaded.

        I hesitated but eventually gave in, "Fine. I'll come to one practice."

        They smiled.

        "One practice," I said again.

        "Okay, we get it," said David still smiling. "One practice."

        "We'll come and find you when it's our turn to have the pitch," said Cho.

        "Alright," I said and then tried to hurry to the library without being seen but that hasn't worked out so far for me yet. And I don't think that it ever will.

        "Elli!" cried Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor second year. She was friends with Hawke and Kaylin but they weren't with her. Only Ron Weasley was.

        "Where are Kaylin, Hawke, and Harry?" I asked. "Aren't they always with you."

        "Quidditch practice," said Ron. "Oliver Wood woke them up at the crack of dawn."

        "We're going to watch," said Hermione. "Do you want to come?"

        "Sure," I said and kissed the hopes of getting to the library today good-bye.

        We walked to the Quidditch pitch and sat in the stands. No one was here. But soon enough the Gryffindor Quidditch team spilled out onto the pitch.

        "Aren't you finished yet?" called Ron incredulously.

        "Haven't even started," said Hawke and Kaylin.

        "Wood's been teaching us new moves," said Harry.

        The three of them mounted their broomsticks and kicked the ground, soaring up into the air and started flying around the pitch.

        Click. Click. Click. Click. Click

        I looked around the stands and saw a blonde haired first-year boy taking pictures. He was sitting in one of the highest seats, his camera raised, taking picture after picture, the sound strangely magnified in the deserted stadium. "Look this way, Harry! This way!"

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