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I realize now that I couldn't help it; I couldn't help having that dream about my mother. And I definitely couldn't help that she died. Let me explain how I couldn't help it:

I have these things called Death Visions and they come through my dreams. I can't control them, I don't even understand them. The first time I had them was a week before my mother died.

My mother was staying at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries because Bellatrix Lestrange used the Cruciatus Curse and drove her to insanity. I had a dream that someone had poisoned her and then she died. I didn't know this was going to happen when it happened because I thought it was one of my nightmares.

But it wasn't, I got the news on Christmas of my first year at Hogwarts that she had died. And later on in the year, I figured out that the late Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor had killed her.

And another thing that I realized is that I don't hate my sister. I think the only reason that I hated her was because I thought she was a snobby Prefect. Well she is but she's more than that; she's my sister.

I also have two best friends, Kaylin and Hawke. They were sorted into Gryffindor while I was sorted into Ravenclaw. But our friendship survived and I love them more than anyone in the world.

Elli Snape: A Harry Potter Fanfiction [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now