Chapter 2- Magical Me

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Elli's Pov

        A week later, Elise came to tell me that we were going to Diagon Alley in two days. We were going with the Weasley's and I sent an owl to Hawke and Kaylin to meet us there. I also got an owl from Gracie saying that her and her brother, David, were going to Diagon Alley on the same day. So, I was going to meet her there also.

        I was in the middle of unpacking my last box onto one of my selves.

        "Finally came to terms with it, huh?" said Elise.

        "As much as I can," I said back. She smiled and then closed my door shut.

        And that was true. I knew that we weren't going back home and that I have to accept that this is my new home now. I was having trouble convincing myself in the start but unpacking my things really helped to start feeling like home.

        I had too much things for this tiny bedroom, my books were piled on top of my selves and I thought that the selves were going to snap under the pressure. But thankfully, they didn't.

        My broom, uniform, and other things from Hogwarts were tucked neatly away at the back of my closet. I'm still thinking about rejoining the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, I know that David really wants me to. And so does Erik, who has sent me a bunch of letters telling me to practice over the summer and to not have rusty Quiddicth skills.

        But I haven't been practicing or answering to an of his letters. I thought if I didn't reply, he would stop sending them. It didn't work.

        Suddenly, I saw a flash of green in the corner of my eyes. The magical messaging book. Well, I might as well answer it.

        I opened the book and read the message:

        When are you going to Diagon Alley?

        I picked up my quill and started writing, In two days. I'm meeting Kaylin and Hawke there.

        Finally you answer me! I've been writing to you all summer and now you decide to answer?

        Now I was starting to feel bad, I'm sorry. It's just been a really rough summer.

        Yeah, I heard that you moved.

        That is correct and please don't bring it up. I still have to explain it to Kaylin and Hawke and I already want to end the conversation.

        OK, he wrote back. I'll see you at Diagon Alley in two days.

        Alright, see you then.

        The book stopped flashing green.

*     *     *

        I was eating breakfast with Elise the day we were going to Diagon Alley and she told me that dad wasn't going with us.

        "Why?" I asked, almost finished with my breakfast.

        "His exact words were, 'you two are big girls and don't need my help'," Elise said rolling her eyes. "But I think he just doesn't want to get asked a bunch of questions."

        "Are we going to Gringotts?" I asked.

        "Of course we are," said Elise, confused. "How are we going to get our money if we don't?"

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