Chapter 6- Thestrals

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Elli's Pov

I can't go and see the Thestrals in weather like this; pouring rain wouldn't do my cause any good. Yes, I'm well aware that I could just cast a spell and the rain wouldn't bother me, but that's beside the point.

        The spell would only make me unaware of the rain hitting my head but that wouldn't do me any good. Pouring raining isn't good for lighting either; what if I walked right into a Thestral? And yes, I could use my wand for that too, but that is also beside the point. 

        I would like to be dry and have a good visual on my surroundings when I venture out into the forest. I think that would be ideal.

        I was thinking about this when I was walking back to the Ravenclaw tower after Potions class. Potions was the last class of the day, and that put me in a better mood but it put everyone else in a worse mood. My dad isn't the most well liked professor at Hogwarts. Everyone hates him, well there is the exception of the Slytherin house and of course Elise and myself. 

        It's not like he's a bad teacher, which he isn't, but he is very strict. And not everyone can meet his standards.

        "Ms. Snape?"

        I turned around to see Professor Dumbledore standing behind me at the end of the corridor.

        "Yes, Professor?" I said as I walked towards him.

         "I would like to speak to you about your visits with Professor Trelawney," said Professor Dumbledore

        "What is there to speak about?" I asked, fixing my bag back onto my shoulder. "I don't go and talk to her anymore. She was no help to me, so why go back?"

        "That is what worries me," said Professor Dumbledore. "Since you are not seeing the professor anymore, you have no reason to tell anyone about your dreams."

        "Why would I have no reason?" I asked. "If I have a dreams that are of any importance, I will tell someone immediately."

         "And I believe you. So I'm going to ask you this and tell me the truth, Ms. Snape," said the professor. "Did you have any dreams of importance that you would like to inform me about?"

        I thought about to my cut off dream. There was something about a chamber but since I didn't see the whole thing how would I know if it is important or not? And I didn't want to place him under any stress, so I think lying would do just fine.

        "No," I said. "I haven't had any dreams."

        "Are you sure?"

        "Yes, I'm sure," I said.

        "Then good day, Ms, Snape," said Professor Dumbledore walking away.

        "Good day."

        I took a deep breath and let it go. I spun around on my heels and continued walking to the Ravenclaw tower. I was hoping I would get the finished dream soon but if that didn't happen I would have to face to consequences.

*     *     *

Later that day after supper in the Great Hall, I had Quidditch practice.

        Even though it was still pouring raining, that didn't effect David's practice schedule.

        I walked onto the pitch with my Quidditch robe on, broom in hand and my hair plastered on my face.

        "Nice look," chuckled Eric as he moved a piece of hair from my face.

        I slapped his hand away, "Don't laugh!" But that only made him laugh even more.

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