Chapter 3- A New Professor

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Elli's Pov

I woke up to a soft knock on my bedroom door.

        The door opened and Elise peered in, "We are leaving for Kings Cross Station in two hours. Get up."

        I rolled over and put a pillow over my head, "Five more minutes."

        "No," said Elise. "Dad wants you up, packed and ready so we don't have to scramble to get to Kings Cross Station." She shut my door leaving me with a pillow over my head.

        I moved the pillow and rolled out of bed. I had already packed my trunk the night before, so I didn't know what Elise was talking about having to scramble.

        I went across the hall to have a shower. I finished, dried off and put clothes on. Before I left the washroom, I looked in the tiny mirror on the wall. My hair had turned lighter; it changed from a bubble-gum pink to a pastel. I tried to change it back but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it back to its signature color.

        I walked back to my bedroom and went to check if I had everything packed to go to Hogwarts. And I did, the whole set of Gilderoy Lockhart's books were talking uo half of the space but I had everything packed. I picked up my trunk by the handle and brought it down the stairs and set it next to Elise's.

        When I got into the kitchen, Elise was by the toaster.

        "Do you want any toast?" she asked, not looking back.

        "Yes, place," I said, taking a seat at the table. Elise put in an extra two pieces of bread into the toaster.

        My owl swooped in and landed on the chair next to mine.

        "Have you decided what to name him yet?" asked Elise, bringing the pieces of toast over to the table.

        "It's a her," I said, scowling at Elise. "And I've decided to name her Peko."

        She raised an eyebrow.

        "It matches her eyes," I said. "Her eyes are different so her name should be different."

        "That makes sense," said Elise, buttering her toast. "Kind of."

*     *     *

"All packed," dad asked us from the front seat of the car.

        "Yes," Elise and I said. Our trunks were crammed in the back seat beside me. Elise sat in the front with our dad.

        The car started to move and I looked back at our little apartment that grew to be home this summer. Mum would never have liked this house, I thought, it was too small.

        "I forgot something," I said, looking from the window.

        "Is it really important?" asked my dad.

        "Yes," I said. "It's really important."

        He stopped the car at the end of the block and handed me the keys. I got out of the car and rushed down to the end of the sidewalk where our apartment sat. I slide the keys into the lock and twisted.

        The door opened and I quickly went inside and shut the door behind me. I ran up the small staircase towards my bedroom. When I got in, I saw it; sitting on top of my dresser; my mother's locket.

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