Chapter 5- Never Again

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Elli's Pov

I was falling asleep in one of my first hour classes. Luckily, it was History of Magic so it really didn't matter. Gracie and I woke up late today, skipped breakfast and just made it to class. Gracie was already asleep at her desk.

        But I would never be falling asleep in one of my classes again because when I only get Visions when I'm sleeping.

        "Come ... come to me ... let me rip you ... let me tear you ... let me kill you ..." 

        I woke up but soon enough I was sleeping again.

        "... rip ... tear ... kill ..."

        The scene started to move very quickly, as if someone was running along the stone wall in one of the corridors.

        "... soo hungry ... for so long ..."

        The voice was growing fainter. Like it was moving away - moving upwards.

        "... kill ... time to kill ..."

        It showed five people running up the stairs, into the Entrance Hall. The people didn't have any luck following the voice because a babble of talk was echoing from the Great Hall.

        It was the day of the Hallowe'en Feast.

        The five people ran up the marble staircase to the first floor. Distantly, from the floor ahead, and growng fainter still, the voice was heard again: "... I smell blood ... I SMELL BLOOD!"

        "It's going to kill someone!" one person from the five shouted. They ran up the next flight of steps three at a time. They hurtled around the whole second floor not stopping until they turned a corner into the last, deserted passage.

        "Elli, class has ended," said Kaylin, gently shaking my shoulder.

        I pulled my head from the desk and rubbed my eyes. Everyone else in the class was packing up headed to their next class.

        I took a deep breath and tried to make sense of the Vision. I wish Kaylin would have woken me up a couple seconds later so I could have gotten a look at what the wall said. But nothing could be done now.

        I put my unopened book back into my bag and walked out of the classroom. I tried to shake off the feeling off the dream during the rest of the day but I couldn't do it. I thought of falling asleep again to re-see the Vision but I couldn't do that either.

        When walking back to the Ravenclaw tower, I thought of talking to Professor Dumbledore about what I'd seen but I didn't even know who was going to die and The Hallowe'en Feast is about a month away. It wouldn't be much help if I told him so I decided to keep it to myself, just for the time being.

*     *     *

I was doing homework in my four-posting bed when the Magical Messaging book lit up green, telling me Draco sent me a message.

        I took the book off the nightstand and placed it under my pillow. The book has been going off constantly ever since Draco called Hermione a Mudblood and I yelled at him for it.

        Yes, I admit that I didn't really need to yell at him as much as I did. But it had to be done, nobody else was going to do it.

        I look back at my pillow, which had just turned green, and sighed. I pulled the book from under the pillow and placed it on my lap. I flipped open the cover and read:

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