Flowers I'll miss after death

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Agriculture at its finest. Friendships, I mean.

I always wanted to be a florist, caring, growing these beauties on stems of nature.

Hortencia's of Family relationships, difficult to grow and take care of but once the flowers need of care is established the potentiality of art visually grows on the horizon.


Tulips of passing faces, some pink, some red, some yellow, some blue. Never one like the other. But once you realize for care all you need to add is approaching steps of cold water, love approaches.

Then there are the lone misplaced lavenders in the endless fields of sunflowers. My favorite kind. My dear lavenders.

Growing accidentally but with such passion.

Sitting in this field. The sun's rays softly coursing my cheeks. Looking through the stems, leaves, nature's little messengers into the bliss of happiness.

I am most at peace. 

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