A woman's touch

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The thing is that when you ask, all I imagine is your touch, can't compare it to a comfort.

The comfort of the warmth of your body pressing against mine,

The comfort of the smell of you, of my home

the comfort of our energies intertwining.

And you ask I quit. How? I answer back.

The thing is I can only compare the two and nothing else.

Yet, you wouldn't ask me to give up your touch.

The thing is that when sweet Snow White kisses my red cheeks I feel the touch of infinity.

The thing is that this is my big mistake.

Her kiss can only compare to yours. The essence that doesn't make sense.

The thing is she lets me keep the youth of yesterday alive and feel real.
Even if just for a fleeting moment.

The intimacy between us is intoxicating. it feels like love.

How could you ask me to quit?

When the grip she has on my heart has become so full of colour.

When both you and I know a woman's touch, how could you ask I give that up? 

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