Look the part with colors

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look the part with colors

Long hair, blue eyes, pink lips, skinny things, tiny mind.

 Is that what you want to look like?


Then why bother emptying the already clear stomach? 

"So he'll like me."

What about her? She likes you too, and already the way you are. 

"They'll look at me weird while we'd hold hands."

Is that what you're worried about?


Go. Take her by the hand. Hold her when shes blue, smile with her when she's feeling pink and love her when you both feel purple. 

"What if it won't meet with my expectations?"

Then you'll be heartbroken, but that's okay. 

"I'm scared.."

That's good. Means you care.

I ran downstairs, out the garden, down the crowded street when our eyes lock sight. 

I'm frozen in one place. Now you're the one running. 

I put my hands on your cheeks and you put yours around my neck. All I can do is kiss your pink lips and with closed eyes dream of your beautiful hair, sweet thighs, soft nails, and precious heart.

Ain't this colorful love.

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