Characters Information

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Name: Lucinda Amapola "Lucy" Arroyo González
Gender: Female
Age: 14 1/2
Birthday: October 12, 2000
Place of birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico (but live now in New York)
Likes: Art, colors, anything Puerto Rican
Dislikes: Loneliness, but gets uses to it

Name: Angelica "Angel" Norman
Gender: Female
Birthday: September 14, 1999-98
Place of birth:???
Likes: Sports, Action, making new friends, discovering more about her past
Dislikes: Anyone from the bad side

Name: James Carl Wilson
Gender: Male
Birthday: July 26, 1998
Place of birth: London, England
Likes: Music, DJs, Soccer
Dislikes: Anyone bad to his friends

Name: Rei Otonashi
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: November 28, 1998
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Likes: Peace and harmony, samurai, kendo, J-pop music, Japanese mythology
Dislikes: War, puffed dresses, discrimination

Name: Yukiko "Snow" Otonashi
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Birthday: April 27, 2001
Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan
Likes: Anime, manga, video games, sketching, piano, tennis, music, swimming, gymnastics
Dislikes: Any other sports, interrupting people (but still does it)

Name: Camille Rose De La Rouge
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: February 5, 1999
Place of birth: Paris, France
Likes: Modeling, helping others, Music
Dislikes: Zits, Acne, dirt, anything gross

Name:Amala "Lotus" Baljeet
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: June 9, 1999
Place of birth: Mumbai, India
Likes: Photography, dance, music, vibrant colors
Dislikes: Being bored, ham, anything meat

Jace and Mely
Names: Jason Ace "Jace" Rollins and Melanie "Mely" Rollins
Gender: Male(Jace) Female(Mely)
Ages: 15
Birthdays: March 10, 2000
Place of birth: Manhattan, New York
Likes: Ice skating, music, snowman (Mely)||| Baseball, football, New York Jets (Jace)
Dislikes: (Both) Checkers, color beige

Name: Miguel Ignacio Rodríguez Gomez
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: April 2, 1998
Place of birth: Acapulco, Mexico (but now live in City of Mexico)
Likes: Drifting, salsa, tacos, getting fit
Dislikes: Homework, makeup, the color pink

Name: Siph Baez
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: November 9, 1998
Place of birth: Cairo, Egypt
Likes: Road trips to the safari, Egyptian pyramids, drums
Dislikes: Scorpions, being cold, raccoons

Name: Dylan "Dingo" Blue
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: March 9, 1998
Place of birth: Sidney, Australia
Likes: Surfing, swimming, marine life, the ocean
Dislikes: Contamination, pollution, toxic waste, war

Name: Natasha Kozlov
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: August 21, 1998
Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
Likes: Ballet, being graceful, helping people
Dislikes: Getting angry, tripping, people hating her, jealousy

Name: Alexander "Alex" Adams
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Birthday: October 17, 2000
Place of birth: Manhattan, New York
Likes: Detective movies, finding the culprit, carrot sticks, have lost of best friend, winning a case
Dislikes: an unsolved case, villains or bad guys from Total Drama, Alejandro, losing somebody

Teams: Everest
Mike (leader), Lucy, Alex, Rei, James, Angel, Miguel, Dingo, Duncan, Owen, Gwen, Geoff, Courtney, Trent, Katie, Bridgette, Ezekiel, Noah, Cody, Sierra, Zoey, Cameron, Dawn, Lightning, B, Dave, Shawn, Sky, Jasmine, Sammie, Ella, and Topher.

Alejandro (leader), Snow, Lotus, Siph, Camille, Jace, Mely, Natasha, Lindsay, Tyler, Izzy, LiShawna, Justin, Sadie, Eva, Harold, Heather, DJ, Beth, Jo, Brick, Anna Maria, Stacy, Dakota, Sam, Scott, Max, Beardo, Scarlett, Sugar, Amy, and Leonard.

Pictures and cover made by YukikoOtonashii

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