Black Eye.

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I need a back up plan.

"Well.." the bell interrupts my fake answer. Saved by the bell. That was too cheesy. Lia, don't use that phrase ever again. Ever.

I walk into my next lesson, Geography. Did I do my homework? I think I did. I hope I did anyway. I don't want a detention. Mrs Padilla would flip if I'm not home on time. I take my seat next to Anthony.

"I hate you, Lia." He says.

"Why would you possibly want to hate me?" I reply.

"Pretty much the whole of our year has seen your video."

"It only had 100,000 views last night. There isn't even 100,000 people in the whole school."

"It went viral." Woah, viral? That's pretty cool.

"Hey Lia!" Some random kid pokes me from behind. "Nice job on your video!" "Thanks." I say and turn to Anthony. "That's what you get for tipping ice over me." I smirk.

After school, I do as I was told to do, and stay in my room. Anthony told me that I could watch TV as he was going for a shower. I have the perfect prank to pull on him. There is a gap between the shower door and the ceiling, which means I could put anything in through it.

I walk into the kitchen and look for flour. Maybe I should call up Mrs Padilla to get more flour. I call her up and tell her to get more flour. I lie and say I need it for a school project and I'm using the bag that's in the kitchen. This should be fun.

I get Anthony's camera. Of course this is going onto YouTube. Why wouldn't it.

"Hey internet. You liked my last prank, so why not do another one? Right now, my brother is in the shower, and I am going to tip this bag of flour into the shower, and then he can live his dreams and be a snowman! Let's go and snowman him up!" I say and walk upstairs.

The only flaw in my plan is that the door would be locked. I could pick it, or at least try to. I grab a paper clip and try to pick the lock. After several attempts, I get in. I slowly open the door and try not to make too much noise. I set the camera down on the sink and get ready to tip the flour in. I count to three in my head and tip it out. I throw the packet into the shower as well, and grab the camera and run out. Anthony is probably going to kill me. If he goes and tells his mom, I have a back up plan. I have made my school project already, so I have proof that I used the flour in it. Am I smart or what?

A few minutes later, Anthony comes down. I act casual by watching Pokèmon.

"I hate you Lia. I really do!" He shouts.

"Ian came by earlier." I say.

"Did he?"

"Yeah. I told him you were transforming into a snowman. He gave me a strange look and told me to tell you to call him."

"Oh.. okay." He walks off. Has something happened between him and Ian? They were hardly speaking to each other on the way home from school. Maybe I should see what happened.

"Hey Ant... Is everything okay?" I say standing in the doorway of his room.

"Everything is fine. Please go away." He says.

"Okay. I was just asking. You just didn't seem yourself on the way home." I walk off back downstairs to watch Pokèmon.

After Mrs Padilla comes home, we have dinner and Anthony tells her what I did.

"I used the flour for my project. It's upstairs." I say.

"Lia, what have I told you about pranking people? It's not nice. Now, get up to your room, where you are meant to be." Mrs Padilla demands. I sigh and make my way upstairs. I can't be bothered to do any homework tonight. I decide to sleep, seeing as I am good at that.


Another boring, uneventful day of school passes, and I meet up with Ian and Anthony to walk home. Something about Anthony seems different, and I am going to find out what.

"Is everything okay?" I ask Anthony.

"Everything is fine Lia. Don't worry." He says. I catch a glimpse of blackness around his eye.

"Dude, do you have a black eye?" I ask, shocked.

"It's nothing" He tries to hide it.

"It's has to be something. You have a freaking black eye, man!" Ian adds.

"Who did that? I will personally wrote him or her a death threat note." I say. "Fine. It was Isaac, okay?" Anthony sighs in defeat. Isaac is still in school? I though he would of dropped out by now.

"Anthony, I told you to ignore him. Isaac is full of bullshit." Ian sighs. Wait.. what's going on here?

"I know, but he was really pissing me off. They aren't true and he knows it, so why is he telling people them?" Anthony says. I am seriously confused. Who and what has happened?

"He wants attention. He wants to make her seem bad when she isn't. He is such a jerk." Ian replies.

"Okay! What the hell is going on here? Who is her? What has Isaac done? Can I kill him?" I interrupt.

"He has been spreading rumors about you." Ian says.


Sorry the chapter is short! I just wanna say that I have lost my English project and have four days to complete four weeks worth of work. Also, the Lia dude person name is...*insert drum roll here* Charlie!! *children yaying* but don't worry if you don't like Charlie, I will use the other names too.

Peace, on the streets. PVP Saaan

Nat xoxo

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