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Anthony's POV.

I kiss her. In the rain.

We break away and Lia looks shocked. "B-but.. Charlotte.... Y-ou, and her. What? Eh?" She stammers out.

"I never liked her." I admit. "It was a dare from Isaac"

"I'm confused!" She shouts.

"About what?" I say, confused.

"That. Us. Life. MARSHMALLOWS!" She answers. "Wait... Why did you kiss me, if you hated me?"

"I-I don't know. I guess, I..." I trail off.

"You what, Ant?" She smirks. "You love me?"

Mystery Person's POV.

Its raining. Just as I was about to go for a run.

I grab a coat and start running. I run up the street and onto a field. As I jog up to the field, I see two people talking. I hide behind a tree so I won't get noticed. They were close, but not close enough for me to get spotted easily.

"B-but.. Charlotte.... Y-ou, and her. What? Eh?" One person says. I reconize her voice from somewhere.

"I never liked her. It was a dare from Isaac" The other says. This was a voice I reconized. They soon started talking about marshmallows.

"Wait... Why did you kiss me if you hated me?" The girl asked.

"I-I don't know. I guess, I...." The boy said.

"You what Ant? You love me?" The girl replied. Ant.... Anthony? What?

I move away from the tree.

"Anthony?! What the actual fuck?" I yell.

"What are you doing here?" He replies.

"Going out for a run. What about you?" I say, moving my damp hair away from my face.

"Nothing... Just enjoying the rain." He lied.

"Then whats she doing here?!" I shout, pointing at whats-her-face.

Whats-her-face goes to say something, but decides not too.

"I'll be going now, if you two want time alone." She says and walks away. I smirk, seeing as I got what I wanted.

"She's a loser." I say walking closer to Anthony.

"No she isn't. You are. Just, go away!" He shouts. Anthony follows whats-her-face. Typical him. I know he'll come running back to me. He will.

Lia' POV! (This will stay hers from now on!)

I walk off, leaving them two lovebirds alone. As I walk past the adoption center, I watch as three people run in my direction. Mrs Padilla, Nelly and the fat hippo woman. A.K.A Stella.

"Come on Leah, we're going." Stella says, pulling on my arm. "That woman doesn't want you anymore."

"I never said that! You don't have the rights to take Lia. I will call the cops if you do!" Mrs Padilla shouts at Stella.

"No. You sign the papers for me to adopt her. Look, I have proof." Stella holds up a document, with Mrs Padilla's signiture on it.

"What?..." We both say at the same time. Mrs Padilla inspects the signiture and gasps.

"How-" She mutters.

"Legit, isn't it. Looks like I will be taking Olivia home." Stella brags.

"NO!" I yell. "I'd rather kiss a hippo and have hippo babies than live with you! You- you.... Alpaca!"

"You are coming with me, Amy. You can't do one tiny thing about it." She demands.

"Firstly, my name is Lia. Not Leah, not Olivia or Amy. Lia. L-I-A. Lianna for the more complex people. Secondly, I have a way of making me stay, but it ain't gonna be pretty. I need glue... And scissors... And a sandwich... And... A elephant!" I say.

"Lianna... You... Car.... NOW!" Stella drags me into her car.


I fall into the car and Stella puts childlock on. No way of escaping now. We pass the field that me and Anthony were on, and him and Charlotte are still their. Luckily, there was traffic and we didn't move.

"Can I open the window, please." I ask. I roll down the window.

"ANT!! OVER HERE!!" I yell. "Maybe you might want to help me? I'll re-pay you!" Then something hit me. Literally. What is with me and being unconscious????


Sorry the chapter is short-ish. I didn't feel like writing today. My heart and prayers go out to the families of the victims of the shooting in CT. Stay strong

Nat xoxo

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