A Deep Deception

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"This is the address of Dr. Nelson," Sheriff Sarah said, handing the piece of paper to Sheriff Noah.

"Let's go there and talk to Dr. Nelson," Noah said, heading toward his car.

A few minutes later, as the car was driving down the road, Sheriff Sarah said, "During my research on Dr. Nelson's background, I found out that he is a gynecologist and used to run a maternity clinic called 'New Life.' In the past, he was involved in performing illegal abortions... but a few years ago, he developed a brain tumor and stopped performing abortions and other illegal activities at his clinic."

"It means Dr. Nelson was a shady character," Noah said, taking a turn.

"Yes," Sarah agreed, then added,

"And do you remember that during one of Jack's therapy sessions, he mentioned that Mia was taken to the New Life maternity clinic?"

Noah glanced toward Sarah and said, "Oh yes, I remember that."

"It means Dr. Nelson, who is the guardian of Dr. Rose, was the one who performed her abortion," Noah said, surprised.

"Yes," Sarah confirmed with a nod.

"I have a hypothesis," she continued. "Mia was pregnant and was brought to New Life Clinic. Ethan Harris and Sophie Harris paid the charges and left. Dr. Nelson came to perform the abortion but somehow managed to save Mia and took her with him, raising her under his guardianship."

"Why would Dr. Nelson save Mia and take her into his home?" Noah asked.

"Maybe he wanted to do something good before his death, considering he spent his life doing illegal and immoral activities... or maybe he had some other motive. We need to ask him," Sarah said.

"We can't build a case on mere hypothesis. We need solid evidence and a statement from someone who witnessed this," Noah said.

"Jack could be a witness, but he would never speak against his sister," Sarah said, gathering all the photographs.

"Why would he say a word against Mia when he has been protecting her for so long?" Noah agreed, parking the car in front of a two-story house.

"This is Dr. Nelson's residence," Noah said, getting out of the car.

Sarah followed, looking at the house, and rang the bell. After a few minutes, a man opened the door.

"Yes?" the man said.

"I'm Sheriff Sarah, and this is Sheriff Noah. We're here to see Dr. Nelson," Sarah said professionally.

"Okay, come in," the man said, leading both sheriffs inside.

Noah noticed the man was wearing a white shirt with black trousers and asked,

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Nelson's nurse, Zack," the man replied.

"Please, have a seat. I'll inform Dr. Nelson of your arrival," Zack said, then moved toward a room.

After a few minutes, he returned and said, "You'll need to come with me. Dr. Nelson is not feeling well, so he can't come out of his room." Zack guided both sheriffs to the room.

Sheriff Sarah and Sheriff Noah entered a dimly lit room, which was filled with the smell of medicines and antiseptic spray. They took a few steps inside and saw an old man with a pale face lying on the bed, taking shallow breaths.

"Hello, Dr. Nelson," Sheriff Sarah said, looking at the old man.

"Hello, Sheriff," Dr. Nelson replied in a weak tone.

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