Chapter 11: Cigarette Break

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I heard the patter of feet first, when I woke from my awful slumber. It was a constant thing, along with screams coming from afar. I didn’t know where I was and I didn’t want to find out.

My whole body ached, my head especially felt heavy and dreary. The movement in my head made me feel like I was sailing away, sailing far from here. I knew I had to open my eyes and see the damage I had caused, but I really didn’t want to.

I felt a soft hand graze over my lifeless one and a small cry. The voice sounded oddly familiar, which immediately provoked me to pull my eyelids open.

My blurry vision was met with bright lights, forcing me to blink rapidly. Was this what heaven looked like?

Isobel?” The familiar voice called.

I looked towards where the voice came from and let my eyes focus on who was in front of me.

“Oh Isobel, you are finally awake! You had us both worried sick. Thank God!” The woman cheered.

It was my mother. I took in her appearance, she didn’t look like herself. Her normally bright blues eyes were now dim, with dark brown bags surrounding them. Her normally neat bun was not to be seen, but instead her short brown hair lay limply on her fragile shoulders, it was a complete mess.

To the right of me was another familiar face. His hair was no longer messily style, but unkempt and matted down onto his head. His face looked similar to my mothers, both had obviously has trouble sleeping. His mouth was agape, he looked as if he had prepared a speech but no words would come out.

“What’s going on?” I croaked.

“Honey, you passed out two days ago. Your friend here, Niall, found you. We are so lucky he did, as if he didn’t I don’t think you’d be here. I just can’t believe you’re okay.” My mother weakly smiled as a small cry escape from her lips.

I turned to Niall and limply smiled, he was quick to return it. I didn’t know what else I could do, he had saved me, whether I wanted him to or not.

That’s when realisation hit me. I was here because of him, he’d set a time bomb in my head. He had a girlfriend and out of my selfish act, he’d had to save me in the middle of the night. He should have been going on tour, but instead he had to run and save me.

“Nice to see you awake, Ms James.”

 I whipped my head up, clearly not evident of the person who had just entered the small, cramped room. He had neatly slicked back hair with shading grey at the tips, his skin shun with a natural bronze tan, almost brightening up the room. His jawline was perfectly chiselled and he had brown beady eyes, which were barely noticeable. His body was wrapped with a shiny white coat, it was apparent what he was here for.

He held out a bronzed hand.

“Doctor Naheed.” He smiled.

I attempted to push out my right hand to shake his, but soon realised it wasn’t going to move.

“Oh, yes, I’m sorry about that.” I heard him sigh awkwardly as he switched hands.

He caught the confused expression on my face as he pulled backwards and grabbed the chart latched to the end of my bed.

He skimmed through it before look back towards me; I couldn’t help but look worriedly at my mother and Niall, who gave me reassuring looks in return.

“You have a lot of stitching in your arm, but I’m afraid due to some being so severe, you’ve damaged the nerves – which in result means you may have trouble controlling your arm. We’re placing you in a program of physiotherapy, where we hope will help you maintain your ability to use your arm. You’ve also been prescribed pain killers to help with the pain that you may receive. We do recommend you stay in for another few days so we can monitor you closely.”

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