The Brainrot of Today

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We have to be honest here, how many of us enjoyed gaming, watching movies, parties,

scrolling on TikTok, Instagram or Facebook?

These activities are so addictive, that most of the content stimulates our brains, often too much. Brainrot is becoming common amongst the world, people are exposed to sexualized contents as a minor, or have those addictive short commentary videos where the avatar is parkouring around Roblox obbies, with usually different background, these parkours often leave some people with fear for falling off the obstacles, thus, not leaving the screen.

 There are also new age spirituality content that encourages people to do witchcraft, divination  and spell jars. On just the aesthetic alone, we are intrigued by the mystics behind these new age practices, like imagine if you could harm all those who have wronged you via spell jars? 💀

People might claim that they see results due to those spell jars, however. It does not work for some people that followed the same instructions on making the jar spells like the person had shown in the video or image. There are always a few that had no results from these tutorials.

Even though witchcraft is not against the 7 commandments or the 13 principles of faith by Rambam, but would you not like to abandon what displeases the Creator? I to be honest, used to do energy work and tarot reading, it was not my best moments for the energy work I did was very much at the point of insanity, it was not a physical aspect nor did it give me any signs that it worked, for tarot reading. I think it as too draining, I bought a 75 cards gold deck, and every time I would use it for a session, it would drained my energy to the point where I would have to force myself to do the rests of the sessions. It was truly wicked, I would say. So once I became a new Noahide, I secretly threw away the tarot deck, for I know that it was truly a wicked thing.

These decks were made by a Wiccan, which caused me great mistrust over it. For Wiccans, they have idols that they worship. They are a group of witches that believe in idols, therefore, I expected them to curse me for having thoughts of throwing it out. It greatly disturbed me and I knew it was displeasing to Him, so I had it gone. Props to the owner Alexander from The Jewish Community server on Discord. 

Speaking of New Age, people have lately been bashing on religions, by saying how irrational to believe in an other worldly being. Let's say to them, do you believe in science? They would probably agree that they do, then these atoms and molecules are in a sense, particles that created you, therefore they are a creator to you. So, you have a belief in these molecules creating you, so that makes it in a sense, similar to theology. Science does not approve or disproves on the possibility of having G-d. For we can only measure and know of the physical.

Baruch HaShem

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2024 ⏰

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