Body Searches, Wolf Bites, Oh and School (Chapter One)

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---//PAIGE'S POV//---

I'm talking to Phoebe on the phone when I hear my brother trying to sneak out. "Hold on Phebs let me call you back. Stiles is up to something." Just as he's about to walk out the door quietly I sneak up on him and say boo! He jumps and I start laughing. "Geez Paige you almost gave me a heart attack." I wipe the tear of laughter away. "Oh come on you should have seen your where are you sneaking off to." Stiles rubs his head and balances on the balls of his feet. "I'm not sneaking off I'm just going off for some fresh air." I give him my yea right I wasn't born yesterday look. "Oh so should I tell dad about your late night walk on a school night." I start to walk away but Stiles grabs me back. "Ok I'm going to go see Scott." I raise my brow. "What for?" He lets out a sigh. "If I tell you will you tell dad?" I shake my head. "So I was just casually walking by dads door-" I cut him off. "You mean ease dropping on his important phone calls." He rolls his eyes "-and there was a call in on a found body." I stop him right there. "Can I come?" I brighten up. "No." He goes to leave. "Alright then lets see if dad is going to let you go off into the woods and look for that dead body." I let the door close and count to three and Stiles comes through. "Grab your jacket and whatever you do be quiet." I give him a devilish smile and grab my sweat shirt.


My brother decided since Scott wasn't answering his phone that he would climb to his window to go get him. I just stood in the drive way and watched. 

Scott had then creeped out of his front door with a bat. I had to hold my lips together to keep from laughing. Just then my brother appeared hanging upside down in front of Scott. They screamed and I couldn't hold it in. I walked up the porch laughing. "Hey Scott. He looked over at me and waved. "Hi Paige." He then looked back Stiles. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Stiles had rubbed his head. "You weren't answering your phone. Wait why do you have a bat?" Stiles then falls down. "I thought you were a predator." Says Scott. Stiles stood up giving Scott a look saying. Do I really look like a predator to you. "Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this two joggers found a body in the woods." Scott's eyes widen. "A dead body?" I roll my eyes. "No a body of water. Yeah dumb-ass a dead body." Stiles says as he dusts himself off. I whack him up side the head. "Don't be so mean." I hiss at him. Scott interrupts our stare contest. "So you mean murdered?" Stiles clears his throat and looks at Scott. "No body knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her 20's." Scott thinks for a second. "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?" I pipe up. "That's the best part, they only found half." Stiles grins. "We're going."

We drive until we see the Beacon Hills Preserve :No Entry after dark sign. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott says as we all get out of Stiles jeep. "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles says as we walk in the woods. Scott stops and looks at us. "I was trying to get a good nights sleep before practice tomorrow." I scoff. "Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." 

"No because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott retorts as we continue to walk through the woods. "Hey that's the spirit." I say sarcastically. I hear Stiles chuckle. "He's right Paige. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." As we keep walking Scott speaks up. "Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?"  

"Huh...I didn't even think about that." I narrow my eyes at my brother. "You never think things all the way through. Did you even think that what if whoever killed the body is still out here? Cause I don't know about you guys but I'm the fastest runner, and I will leave you two." Stiles rolls his eyes at me. "Gee Paige glad to know how much you care about our safety." We start walking up a dirt hill and I hear Scott wheezing. "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight huh?"

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