Missing...Reinforcements...Found?(Chapter Tweleve)

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----/ /PAIGE'S POV/ /----

I came by to see Lydia and I see my brother sleeping in a chair, holding some get well soon balloons. He was also mumbling some pretty weird stuff in his sleep.  

The nurse had told me that Lydia was wide awake now a d taking a shower. So I go sit by Stiles and just watch him do my favorite pass time. Make a fool out of himself. 

As a nurse comes by to change the trash I hear Stiles mumble. "Mmm, you're dirty." I giggle and just read a magazine. He wakes up and I can't help but laugh at him cause of the drool on his face. "Hey big brother, how'd you sleep?" He rolls his eyes at me. I offer him a bite of my apple but declines and goes to get some junk from the vending machine. I look down at my magazine and feel my phone vibrate. I look and see a text from Jackson.

*Hey Beautiful ;)*

I blush and go to reply but hear a big crash. I groan. Stiles what did you do now? I get up and go around the corner and down the hall to see the vending machine on the ground glass side down. "You are so busted for this bro."  

Just then a scream echoes down the hall. "Lydia? Lydia!" My brother yells as he runs back to her room, I follow. We run into her room and I go check the shower. There was no sign of her. Only an open window and her night gown was on the floor. So does that mean she's...naked?

Dad had came to get some statements and Lydia's description. But my brother had stepped up. "Actually she 5'3", green eyes, fair skinned and her hair is strawberry blonde." 

Dad looks at him. "Is that right?" My brother stammers for a moment. Dad then grabs him to the side and I just stand back. Hey no need in both of us getting in trouble. Dad then looks at me. "Paige take your brother home."  

"Sure thing dad." I drag my brother outside and let him go when we see Scott by the jeep. We get into the car and Stiles takes out Lydia's bloody hospital gown so Scott can get her scent. "This is the one we was just wearing?" Stiles nods. "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her Stiles. Not again." 

"All right, just shove the thing in your face and lets find her." Just out of nowhere Allison appears making my brother jump. She wants to come because Lydia is her best friend and the hunter are after Lydia because they think she's now a werewolf. I scoot over and she hops in.  

"Alright if she's turning, would they actually kill her?" Stiles asks Allison as he drives. "I don't know, they won't tell me anything. Okay, all they say is, "we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here."  

"What others?" I ask as I look at her. "I don't know, they won't tell me that either..." Stiles follows Scott's directions on where Lydia's scent is leading. And it lead us to Derek's house. We get out and start walking towards the woods. After Allison and Scott talk about how werewolves are stronger in packs my brother crouches down and finds a wire. "Stiles I wouldn't touc-."

Too late my brother trips the wire and I cover my eyes hoping that I didn't get something crazy flying at me. "Uh, Stiles?" We hear Scott say. "Yeah, buddy?" We turn and see Scott hanging upside down. "Uh, next time you see a trip wire don't trip it." I roll my eyes at my brother. "Come on let's go get him down." I mutter. Stiles, Allison & I all go to get him down but Scott stops us and tells us someone was coming. He tells us to go hide and we scurry off into the woods and hide behind some trees.

A few minutes later we see Allison's dad and a few hunters. He talks to Scott for a few minute before walking off. I have got to tell Allison to never invite me over for dinner if her dad was going to be there. That man gave me the creeps. 

When they leave Stiles, Allison & I go back to help Scott but he uses his claw to cut him self down. He smiles at us and we head to the house in search for Lydia. But no such luck.

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