What Is Nomal? (Chapter Twenty Two)

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The paramedics had put Jackson's body in a body bag. This... This can't be happening... Even my brother was missing. His jeep was still in the parking lot. Where's my brother? Dad was talking to Isaac and Scott in the locker room. When the coast was clear I walked inside.

It was only us three. Scott had ripped my brother's locker open and pulled out a few of his items. "You're find him by scent?" Isaac asked. "Yeah we both are." Scott hands Isaac my brother's shoe. "How come you get the shirt and I get a shoe?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's--" I turn around and see Derek. He looks right at me and then at Scott and Isaac. "We need to talk." Peter comes in and Scott has a look of shock on his face... 

"All of us." Peter says with a smirk. "What the hell is this?" Scott asks as he looks between Derek and Peter. "You know I thought the same thing, when I saw you talk to Gerard at the sheriffs station."  

"Okay hold on. He threatened to kill my mom. And I have to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?" Scott retorts. "I'm going to go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom?" I turn to him. "Oh shut up." I say with a glare. "Who is he?" Isaac ask.

"He's Peter, Derek's uncle." Scott's explains but I but in. "Yeah, a little while back he tried to kill us all and then we had set him on fire and Derek had slashed his throat." Peter waves at Isaac. "That's good to know." Isaac whispers to me.

"How is he alive?" Scott asks. Wish I knew that answer. Derek sighs. "Look, the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson. Maybe how to save him." We all look at each other.  

"Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead." Hearing that made my heart drop. "What?" Derek asked wide eyed. "Yeah, Jackson's dead. It just happened on the field." Isaac explains. Derek and his uncle both frowned hearing this. "Okay, why is no one taking this as good news?" I glare at Isaac and have the courage to claw his eyes out. Whoa Paige, down.  

"Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen." Peter says out loud. "But why?" I ask. Peterson was at me "well that's exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly..."

After getting a call from Scott's mom, Scott Isaac and I often over to the morgue. She said something was going on with Jackson's body. I get a text message from dad. 

*Your brother is home.* 

I sigh with relief. I tell Scott the good news and he smiles. We see Scott's mom and Jackson, covered in some really gross clear goop. "What's happening to him?" Scott asks. "I thought you were going to tell me. Is it bad?" Mrs. McCall says. "Doesn't look good." I comment. I take a closer look and Jackson's head jerks. "Whoa!" We all say in unison. "Um, Mrs. McCall can you please zip that back up." She gives me a why me look, but steps up.

"Okay. Okay, here we go." As she zips up the bodybag Jackson begins to hiss and she steps back a bit. "Mom, zip. Set, mom zip!" Scott pleaded. She zips it up quickly. Scott had been called Derek and told him what was happening to Jackson

. We see him moving in the body bag and Mrs. McCall moves me and her further back. Scott gets off of the phone. "Okay, we need to get Jackson's body to Derek." I give him a funny look. "Are you mental? Jackson could pop out of that thing at any moment. Plus I am not touching him. He might break out and kill us."  

Isaac and Scott picks up the bodybag and I groan. "Paige You be look out okay?" Scott says. We managed to get into the parking lot. Isaac and Scott must have not had a good grip on the bodybag because it fell to the ground. They gasp and look at me. "Don't look at me you guys are the ones who dropped him." 

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