One's A Partner.Two's A Crowd.Three's A Pack?(Chapter Fourteen)

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----//PAIGE'S POV//----

I see Scott & Allison climbing the fake rock wall in gym. "Are we seriously doing this?" Phoebe whispers in my ear as we wait to be called up. Soon after I see Scott land on the mat and I feel myself giggling. Coach then calls up my brother and Erica to go on the wall.  

Erica was always quiet in class, and I thought of her as a sweet girl. Even though people would make fun of her because of her epileptic seizures. My brother goes up and down the wall with ease. But Erica...she hesitates. 

I bump into someone. "Oh I'm so-." When I look up I see Jackson and roll my eyes. "Oh it's just you." I start to walk away from him but he grips my wrist. Hard. "Ow, let me go." I hiss at him. He had a strange look in his eyes but he lets me go. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday." He gives me his puppy dog eyes. I melt instantly. "You're forgiven...for now."  

Next thing I see is Erica having a panic attack. Poor thing. Jackson then leans close to my ear and whispers. "I promise to make it up to you. I shiver and feel my knees go weak. This guy is going to make me pass out. I look up and see Lydia staring at us. I jump away from Jackson and join Phoebe in the circle.

A half an hour later, we're all getting dressed in the girls locker room. 

"Seriously Paige, I would so go for Stefan. I mean he's so sweet and good hearted." I raise my brow at Phoebe. "I'm more of a Damon girl myself. You know bad boys are my thing." Phoebe giggles at my response. "Speaking of bad boys, what's up with you and Jackson? I saw him giving you some pillow talk in your ear." I blush. "Nothing Phebs."  

"Yeah, what's going on with you & Jackson?" I hear Lydia say behind me. "Nothing's going on. We're just friends. We became good friends since the night we both found you on the field." She gives what I said some thought. "Well, then... thank you." She says then turns and walks away.  

"Whoa pause, did Lydia just say thank you? Okay I can now say I've seen everything." I throw my towel at Phebs and laugh. "Oh shut it Storm." 

We hear commotion in the gym and we all run to see what's going on. Scott has Erica and she's having a seizure. Allison instructs him to turn Erica on her side so she doesn't hurt herself. I look at him. "Scott how's you know?" He looks at me with a worried look. "I don't know, I just felt it.

----//JACKSON'S POV//----

I'm sitting in class listening to a lame video, while Matt bitches about his camera. He says something about the lens being cracked. But some of the information from the video hits me. Immunity. I look over at Lydia and feel anger towards her. She did this to me. She made me immune to the bite and she ruined my chances in getting what I want.  

When class is dismissed I grab Lydia and pull her to the side. "What the is with you?" She gives me a surprised look. "What?" "Show it to me. Show it to me. Come on." She slaps my hand away. "Are you out of your mind Jackson?"

"Nothing happened to you. It's's like you're immune." I say in disbelief. "I don't have a clue to what you're talking about." I glare at her making her flinch. "It's... It's you. Whatever it is...blood, saliva...whatever soul-killing substance is running through your veins, you did this to me. You ruined it for me. You ruined everything!"

I walk away from her. When I turn I see she's crying and deep down I feel like a jerk. But I continued down the hall to cool off.

----//PAIGE'S POV//----


I look at my lunch and push it to the side. "What's got you down Paige?" See this is why me and her are friends. Ugh I can't keep this secret any longer. "Okay, so me and Jackson are kind of together." She spits out her milk. "What!?" I cover her mouth.

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