Anger Managment...Fear...Victory?(Chapter Four)

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----//PAIGE'S POV//----

While my brother and Scott were getting ready for practice in the locker room I was talking to with Phoebe on the bleachers. 

"So have you gotten any calls or text from Jackson?" Phoebe asks while drawing in her notebook.  

I let out a sad sigh. "No, it's been like three days now and nothing. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe..." 

"Maybe, he was just a little busy this weekend. Just give it some time." Phoebe says as she pats my shoulder. 

The team starts to come out on the field. I see Jackson grabbing a long stick and he glances over at me, then runs to the field. 

"See he have you the look." I scrunch up my nose. "What's the look?" 

"You know the look, the I wanna talk to you but I have a bitchy girlfriend and lacrosse on my back, type of look." I giggle. "You can tell all of that from just one look?" Phoebe nods with a grin. "Oh yea I'm an expert on this stuff." I roll my eyes. "So, if your such an expert why aren't you going out with my brother?" I ask with a smirk. "Uh, well you see..." I mock her and laugh. "Alright expert lets just watch practice."  

We both look out on the field. I mostly watch Jackson putting in work on the field. "Whoa, look at my man go." I whisper to Phoebe. She rolls her eyes and just laughs. The I see Scott going up against Jackson. "Oh crap." I mutter.  

When Scott runs up and tries to go past Jackson. Jackson uses all of his momentum and Boom! Scott goes flying to the ground. I wince while Phoebe groans.  

"Maybe you should tell your man to ease up a bit before somebody gets seriously hurt." I just keep looking out on the field.  

Coach comes up and whispers to Scott. You can clearly see Scott huffing and his chest was rising. Scott, what is going on? 

Suddenly coach yells that Scott was going to do it again. Scott gets ready and back in position. Then Scott charges. BOOM! He slams right into Jackson and I felt as if my heart was being slammed right with him. "OMIGOD!" Phoebe gasps out. I saw Jackson wincing in pain while holding his shoulder. Scott was on his knees holding his head groaning. My brother had ran over to Scott. I start running to the field but Phoebe pulls me back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, give him some room." I hear coach saying. I look and see Scott and Stiles running towards the locker room. Since Jackson was being taken care of I had to see if Scott was ok. Then yell at him for putting Jackson in the emergency room. 

"Phoebe, look I gotta check on Scott." I take off running to the locker room. I run in as Scott and stiles enter the locker room. Scott was breathing hard and heavy. Stiles and I had got closer. "Scott are yo-"  

"Get away from me!" Scott growled at us. I backed up against a locker as Stiles stumbles.  

Scott started to chase after us in the locker room. As we turned the corner Scott had hopped on top of the lockers and growled at us. His yellow eyes was filled with hunger and hate. 

We kept running but Scott kept playing cat and mouse with us. I bump up against the front door and while Stiles bumps into the fire extinguisher. Scott hops down and takes a leap at us. I shut my eyes waiting for him to pounce. But then I hear a noise. When I look up I see Stiles using the fire extinguisher on Scott. We run out of the locker room and hold out breath. 

"Stiles...Paige." We hear Scott groan. We peek back into the locker room and see an confused Scott.  

"What happened?" I let out my breath and Stiles throws down the fire extinguisher. "You tried to kill me and Paige." I still don't go in to the room but I give Scott a glare.

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