Avoiding...Success...Conquer?(Chapter Eight)

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----//PAIGE'S POV//----

"So you kissed him, while his girlfriend was in the room?" I groan at my friends statement. "Yes, I know I'm terrible. But I thought we were going to die, and I didn't want to die a kissing virgin." "Well technically you kissed him on the cheek." I roll my eyes at her as I lean on my locker. "That doesn't count." She smirks at me. "So how was the kiss?" I bite my lip. "It was everything I could ever hope for. It was heaven and bliss all wrapped up in one." I say as I smile to myself. "So I take that he's a great kisser?" "Great doesn't compare to Jackson's kissing skills." I say with a swoon like gaze into space. 

"So has he texted you?" I nod. "And what did he say?" "I've kind of be avoiding him, and ignoring his texts. I mean if I bump into him, I can be like what texts? My phone has been off." Phoebe pats me on the shoulder. "Paige your going to have to talk to him sooner or later." I let out a frustrated groan. "Then I choose later. Like when we graduate and I move away for college." She grabs me by the shoulders and looks me right in the eye. 

"Then I have some advice for you...hide because he's coming." I jump and run into the girls room. I listen through the crack of the door and see him and Phoebe talking.  

"Phoebe right? Paige's friend?" "Yeah?" "Have you seen Paige around? I really need to talk to her but it feels like she's been avoiding me." I feel the guilt in my chest. "Nope haven't seen her, but if I do. I'll be sure to tell her you were looking for her."

I see Jackson walk away and peep my head out of the bathroom. "Is the coast clear?" I ask. "Crystal clear." "That was close." I sigh and lean on my locker again. She tsks me and shakes her head. "What Phebs?" "Nothing just that you two have got it bad for each other and don't even know it..."

(Few days later)

Over the last few days everything seemed like a blur. I was still avoiding Jackson the best way I could. Everyone was talking about what happened, but no one knew that I was apart of that group. Well everyone except Phoebe. But she only knew the cover story. Derek, killed those people and he was looking to kill us too. Though I never kept secrets from Phebs. But this was for her own good...and life. 

I couldn't really face Scott since the whole wanted to kill us situation. But when Stiles sent me a text telling me about Scott having a breakdown over his and Allison's breakup I couldn't help but go comfort him. Call it a concerned friend. I asked for a nurse pass and met Stiles at the boys locker room. De ja vu had hit me. It felt like the time when Scott had tried to kill me and Stiles before. 

"Ok Paige, right now Scott's feeling his emotions really hard. Because the next full moon is approaching." "Right so in other words, if he starts going wolf run like hell. Gotcha." 

We slowly walk around the corner of the showers in the locker room. We both sigh in relief when we see Scott cooling off in the showers, thank God only shirtless. He looks at us as he tries to breath.  

"Stiles, Paige I can't..." "What's happening? Are you changing?" My brother asked. I got that tense feeling in my muscles telling me get ready to run. "No, no. I can't breathe." He starts wheezing. I reach into Scott's bag that Stiles is carrying and toss Scott his inhaler. "Here, use this."

He takes the inhaler and takes a puff from it. He soon relaxes. "I was having an asthma attack?" "No, you were having a panic attack." Stiles says. "But thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack. Irony" I comment. "How did you know to do that?" Scott asked. "Stiles and I would get those a lot when our mom died."

"I just looked at her and it felt like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer." "Yeah, it's called heartbreak." My brother replies. "It will be ok Scott, you'll get her back soon." I give him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder and walk out of the boys locker room.

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