I'm afraid...Jackson's dead...my brothers missing... (Chapter Twenty One)

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I'm, I'm the white wolf.. 

I have been quiet for a while since Peter had showed me this. So much has gone by and just this...this is something I can't deal with. Stiles & Scott had told me about Matt controlling Jackson. They had went to tell our dad and I wasn't feeling to good.

I had locked myself in the bathroom taking deep breaths. Am I changing? It's not even a full moon. I don't even know how all this crap works. When I looked in the mirror I didn't see the blood red eye. I take some more deep breaths. 

When I look in the mirror again I whimper. The red was slowly taking over the blue in my eye. I feel a little pain in my gums. I bite my lip to keep from screaming. I slowly open my mouth and see my top and bottom canines lengthen. No this isn't happening!

I punch the mirror and grip the sink. I barley bled or felt the pain. I backed up to the wall and sink to the ground, bring my knees to my chest. The Argents will want to kill me. They want to kill Scott, Derek, his pack and even Jackson, who can't help what he is. If they find out about me... 

I cry to myself and my gums no longer feel sore. I won't tell anyone not even Phoebe. This will be my little secret. I suddenly feel light headed. The room begins to spin and I feel my bison tunnel... 

I'm running...I feel my legs pumping quick and I just feel...so free. I hear a twig snap. A growl escapes my lips. Did I just growl? I hear another twig snap. I turn and see a deer.  

Kill it... 

Something had taken over me and I went for the kill. Last I remember was see my claws ripping into the deeps neck.... 

I woke up covered in blood, in the woods. What am I doing here? Better yet what did I do? I look around and see a dead deer with its neck severely ripped to pieces...


School was finally getting back into the swing of things since the police had found Matt's body in a lake. My dad had even got his job back. I haven't see Jackson around. Scott & Stiles haven't spoken much. I feel like because of this Kanima stuff we've all sort of drifted apart. 

"Hey Paige, where have you been? I feel like we haven't talked much." Phoebe walks over to me as I open my locker. "Hey...I've been you know, just around." I grab some books from my locker and avoid her stares. She frowns and reaches for my shoulder.

I feel a growl in my throat and I glare at her. "Paige, what's going on with your eye?" I blink and look away. "Don't worry about it Phebs. Look I'll see you at the game tonight." I slam my locker and walk off. I feel like I'm on pins and needles. I don't want this. I want to be normal again...if that's what I was before all of this.  

I hear running behind me. "Wait Paige, I have something you'll defiantly want to hear." I turn around. "What's the buzz Phebs?" She bites her nail. Oh crap this must be serious. "Jackson's playing in the game tonight." I feel my eyes go wide. "WHAT?!"


Phebs and I were on the bleacher. "Have you talked to Jackson since then?" I shake my head. "He hasn't returned any of my calls." I look down at my bracelet and think about the good times I had with Jackson.  

I still...love him. 

"Stiles is on the field." Phoebe says as she grabs me. I look up and sure enough my brother was on the field. "GO STILES!!!" I cheer causing a few people to give me a funny look. Dad was cheering and had caused some of his own funny looks from people.

The game begins and I notice Scott wasn't on the field. I then hear Gerard's voice. He was speaking to Scott. I only caught the part of the conversation that made me sit still on the bleachers. "... If you don't get me Derek, then Jackson is going to kill somebody..." I look at Scott breathing heavy.

"Scott, please help." I whisper. Scott turns around and mouths. "I'll find a way." I nodded see Isaac approaching the bench. He sits down with Scott and they talk. I tried to listen to what they were saying but I got nothing this time. Some wolf hear I got...ugh! 

Isaac was running on the field and whoa, he was being brutal to our own teams players. "McCall if this is your idea on helping. Then you're going to get Isaac expelled." I mutter to myself.

I see Jackson run by Isaac and he goes down. Moments later the paramedics were taking Isaac away. The game continues and we really don't look so good... 

Everyone was getting tackled..except my brother. Which so happen to have the ball just roll in front of him. He looks at it. OMIGOD! "YOU IDIOT, GET THE BALL AND SHOOT!" I yell. He gets it and starts to run down the field. My twin was in front of the goal and he took the swing...Phebs and I were cheering as he makes it into the goal. 

"That's my twin brother! Woohoo!" I cheered at the top of my lungs. My brother kept making goals and the crowd went wild. I see Jackson and he was just standing there. No helmet. No gloves. Just standing there with a sly grin on his face.  

Oh God... 

The lights go out and I hear a scream. The field was in a frenzy. "Phebs, stay right here." I take off running and run to Scott. He gives me a feared look. Scott's mom had ran to us. "Are you two okay?" She asked. We both nod and I smell it...blood.

I don't even know how I knew but...I had the strongest feeling that whoever was bleeding on the field was important to me. "You guys, someone is hurt. Someone is down on the field." Mrs. McCall says to us. I see a crowd beginning to form. I take off running towards it.

The light blind me as they come back on. I hear Coach telling people to get back and to get out of the way. I look around frantically. Where's Jackson? What did Gerard make him do? I make it to the crowd and push my way through. No... 

On the ground was Jackson's motionless body. I step closer to Jackson and feel for a pulse. I don't feel...anything. And I don't see his chest rise and fall as if he was breathing.

Jackson...you can't be dead. I see blood on his hand and notice blood on his jersey. "Paige stand back please." Mrs. McCall tells me. She lifts his jersey and he had claw marks. You...you can't be dead. 

"Stiles?" I look up and see dad scanning the crowd. "Has anyone seen my son?" I get up and look around for my brother. "Stiles!" I call out. No answer. "Has anyone seen my son?" Everyone shakes their head. "Where is my son?" First Jackson is dead and now Stiles is missing? ...



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