Chapter 9:The Fight

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At first,we were training. Blitz ended up slapping AJ and that's when I went nuts. I began fighting him. The others watched in amusement. I kicked his ass. He looked SHOCKED. Rarity started giggling. Pinkie snickered while I was still pissed. I walked away.


We were morphed,fighting a nighlok. One that seemed to hate my guts because I was a Silver Ranger. I flew into a wall. The others ran up to me fast. "We need to keep fighting..."I said. They ran to help Blitz but he nearly killed them. "DON'T EVEN!" I snapped,slashing him. Now me and him were fighting while the nighlok got away. The others demorphed and watched us. I slammed Blitz into a building and walked away,with the rest of the team following me. Including AJ. "Dash Ah reckon ya tell me what's going on. And what yer problem is..."AJ said. I shook my head. "Rainbow.."AJ pushed on. "Fine... I just hate how he treated you is all... It made me feel like I wasnt trying hard enough to take care of the whole team..."I said. I also think I have a crush on you... I thought. Or muttered under my breath instead of thinking it. "What was that RD?"AJ smirked. Damn it... How can she know? I didn't say anything..


Rarity and Fluttershy were actually talking to me about it. AJ and Pinkie were outside training while Twilight was reading a book,like usual. "I cant tell her,Flutter... Not until I'm ready to..."I sighed. "Darling,you will have to tell her sooner or later.. Especially if Blitz is her "boyfriend" as of now. Which he's been abusing us since you left... And its not helping the team with him abusing us."Rarity spoke in a harsh tone about Blitz. Seems like I'm not the only one who's seen the change in him. Oh well.. He's off the team now. "Well he isn't a Samurai anymore. He doesn't have the morpher."I smirked,showing that I grabbed the Red Samuraizer. "Rainbow... What are you planning?"Fluttershy asked. "Nothing actually... Blitz lost it when I threw him into the building because he was being a complete and utter jerk to you guys... Plus I'm apart of the team that my brother is on so it makes it harder to protect everyone... Now lets get some rest guys... Or have some fun?"I spoke gently,walking to my room that I now shared with Twilight. Everyone else was watching a movie now.

Thank you guys for being patient for my update here! And thanks for the 1k views on my Mystic Force story!!! I'm actually thinking of doing a sequel in Gia or Jake's POV the whole time. I do need time to think about it though. Hope you enjoy chapter 9! Remember,each chapter doesnt come out until the Chapter posted gets ten views. It seems only fair. Anyway,later peeps!-RD

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