Our Karma is the only thing that is certain

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Kusanagi’s POV

My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket; a call from Suruto. What does he want now? I thought they were decorating the pub for the party tomorrow. I pressed the answer button and put the phone against my ear.

“Hello, what are you doing? I thought you were decorating the pub”

“We are, or we were. The company called and told us that the products we ordered were just being made. They said the orders would make it in two days”

“But tomorrow’s Hana’s birthday”

“I’m sorry Kusanagi, but I think it’s better if we canceled the party”

“Yes, cancel it. And call everybody we invited. Tell them the party would be thrown in the beach where we are right now. The Black Tie party is no use now. Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Bye”

I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket. I guess the party will be at the beach anyways.

Hana’s POV

I went in our cabin and crashed my beach bag on the floor. I put Anna on the bed and crashed on the couch beside her. I turned on the radio before locking the door and going in the bathroom. Sand has been sticking on my body since we went here. I turned on the shower and felt the cold water on my face. Everybody may think I’m crazy for not letting the water warm up. But what’s the use of taking a bath if the water’s warm, right? I put on my clothes and went out the bathroom. The room was dark all of a sudden. I switched on the lights but it didn’t work. There must’ve been a problem with the circuit anyway.

I turned on my aura and crashed on the bed beside Anna. There was something going on in here. I feel somebody’s aura in here. Yes, a HOMRA member not somebody else. Which one of the boys went inside our cabin?

“Ow, hey watch it”

Hold on a second. I stood up from the bed and looked at who was lying on the bed. Yata was lying there still in his wet hoodie.

“What the heck? Get up from that bed, it’s starting to get wet, you know that”

“I’m too tired to take a shower. Leave me alone”

I stood him up and pushed him in the bathroom. I turned on the lights and closed the door. Who told him he can stay in our cabin? Kusanagi told us that the cabin we’ll be staying in is only for me and for Anna.

“Who told you that you can stay here?”

“Kusanagi, he said Anna was supposed to be in the other room. I thought you were in a different room so I agreed with it. And there isn’t enough room for me in their cabin”

“And you agreed with staying in a cabin with a girl? That’s crazy, Yata”

He remained silent for a minute. My phone then vibrated in my pocket showing a new message from Yusuke. I took it out and read through the message:

We just arrived at Fukui. I miss you so much. I’ll see you in a week. Love you

I didn’t reply. I just tossed it in the bag again. I don’t know if I love you back, Yusuke – I thought to myself and leaned over to the bathroom door.

“Hey bimbo, you didn’t answer my question. Why did you agree with staying in a cabin with a girl?”

“Can we take that conversation out?”

He opened the door and went out wearing an undershirt and pajamas. He gave me a smile before crashing on the bed again. I turned on my aura and looked around the room. There wasn’t another bed in here. Kusanagi just came in and took Anna with him. I grabbed an extra blanket from the cabinet and sat down on the couch before taking the phone in my bag and opened my inbox showing a new message from Yusuke. I opened it and read through the message again:

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