Chapter 2

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His grey eyes sunk into me.

“Long time no see, Misha,” his voice was hard.

I took a step back.

Liam Lichenfield and I were by no means any friends. He was the next Shadow Pack Alpha male, and he was bad news. All of them were. But why was my heart beating hard in my chest? And what was that feeling that was flowering under all the hate in the depths of my stomach?

The sunlight caught the sharp cheekbones of his face, highlighting his golden face and his icy grey eyes. He exuded control. He was glorious, and I wondered to myself, under all those months, how had he gone from merely cute, to this.

We held a moment of uncomfortable silence as his eyes, like his pack brothers ran over my body. But it didn’t seem as imposing as theirs had been. His was softer, and was that…appreciation?

I couldn’t tell for sure, because he pushed past me, walking down the hall, as if we’d never even interacted.

I released the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and rested a hand over my heart. I didn’t understand what was going on with me, but I could tell it wasn’t good. My heart never beat like that before. Not when I was nervous or running through the forests with my pack.

What was wrong with me?

“C’mon,” Tegan urged me. “We’re gonna be late for class.”

Nodding uneasily, I followed her.


After the bell rung for fourth period, I shuffled out of the classroom with my hands in my pockets and headed for the cafeteria. I had this weird craving for a hamburger and my stomach was growling. I couldn’t spot Tegan’s pink head anywhere through the crowd of people, so I assumed she was on her way or there already.

Lunch at this school was a peculiar subject.

The descendents of our wolf pack, The Leaf Pack, pushed the four tables on the left side of the cafeteria together so we could sit; the humans shied further to the right and kept quiet, though longing as to why we were so different from the rest of them.

I got my hamburger and bottled water and slid into my usual seat at the head of the table. Shortly after, I spotted my pack, bee lining away from the crowd of students still ordering their lunch to the table where I sat.

“What’s up Mish?” Randel asked, mussing my curly hair with his big hand.

I playfully slapped his hand.

Randel was tall, with dark skin and a close cropped haircut. He had large brown eyes as dark as the night forests and he was gorgeous, not to mention my boyfriend. I smiled at him and touched his hand with my own.

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