Chapter 6

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I was running.

I don’t know from what or to whom but I was running.

And it seems like I would never be able to stop.

The leaves of the plants slap my ankles and the thorns from the bushes prick my skin, but I could care no less than I originally did. I weave in and out of the small gaps between the trees, hurting my feet on the roots, but the pain seemed trivial to me now.

“Misha…” I could hear my name being called by a deep voice in the trees. He sounded so distant.

I was running to him.

“Misha…” he called more impatiently.

What was so alluring about his voice that just made my heart beat so erratically?

I was burning inside and I didn’t know how to stop it.

I was running back to him.

I twisted between the narrow trees, just as I began to make out his silhouette before me.

He stood in the clearing, shirtless as he had been before, staring out at me, his pale skin glistening under the dull moonlight, like a precious gemstone, albeit his skin was marred with old scar tissue, like a map of his less than savory lifetime.

“Misha.” He said expectantly, yet I still couldn’t see his face as it was hidden deep in the shadows.

I slowed my walk to him, taking long graceful steps, aware of the aches on my skin and in my muscles.

When we were face to face, he lifted his head so I could see those strange silver eyes, before his lips pressed down on mine and I succumbed to his violent kiss.

His lips were angry, yet exultant, and something sinister was forming itself around us, yet I couldn’t put a finger on it.

Much less care.

The forbidden pleasure erupting inside of my body had me pressed against his body, chest to chest, battling each other for the dominance of the kiss. It was pure Alpha instincts and something else…

He broke away from me, breathing heavily, yet only to brush his lips along my collar bone like the slightest brush of feathers. His warm breath ignited something in me, and suddenly the forest wasn’t so cold.

Pressing myself to his chest, I ensnared his arms with my hands as his mouth lingered over my neck, sucking the skin so lightly, I almost couldn’t feel it. That was until he sunk his teeth into my collarbone and I let out a surprised yelp.

But it didn’t hurt that much when he hugged me to him and groaned so loudly I closed my eyes in sheer bliss.

“Misha…”  he said in a pacified state.

I opened my eyes and looked at him only to find that he was staring at me, and his eyes weren’t silver anymore, they were yellow.

He growled and his teeth ripped into my flesh…

I jolted awake in bed.

It had been so… real.

My sheets were twisted around my knees and my hair probably looked like a mess. My pajamas were riddled with sweat. I shivered at the lack of heat I felt.

What had been the meaning of that dream?

And why had it felt so… so… right?

Even as he ripped into my flesh coming along the end.

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