Chapter 31

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I snuck out of the house in the early hours of the morning, knowing that Liam would be down at the clearing. I’d texted him last night, albeit very vehemently and told him that I needed to see him. There was no doubt I was livid with him because of the stupid dinosaur of a hickey he’d left on my neck from our make out session in the janitor’s closet yesterday.

How could we keep our relationship a secret, if he was going to be careless about it? Did he know that under the circumstances between the two Packs, we could be killed for our relationship with each other? Did he even understand what that entailed? I was betraying everything I’d ever learned for him. Because he was my Mate and I wanted to be with him.

Couldn’t he see that this was dangerous?

He was just lucky that it was autumn and I could get away with wearing turtle necks.

The cold, damp air of the morning followed me as I stormed down the path toward the clearing before the Line. The musty scent of rotting leaves met my nose as the scents scattered through the forest morning. I could hear the swallows distant cries as the graced the air with their majesty, and the whistle of crickets as they jumped through the undergrowth.

I pushed through the last of the molting bushes and into the clearing, glad to see him standing on the Line, waiting for me. He yawned and rubbed his eyes and I noticed dimly through my fury that he was still wearing his pajamas.

He yawned again and stretched and I watched his muscles ripple; he wasn’t wearing a shirt. “Good morning. Why are we out here?”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I was wearing a strawberry colored turtleneck sweater, purple leggings and warm, cushy boots, and the cool wind was beginning to nip through my clothes.

“Oh, don’t act like everything’s fine Liam.” I said snidely, crossing my arms even tighter and frowning at him.

“What?” he said, the sleep suddenly disappearing out of his eyes. “What did I do?”

It was funny how he immediately wondered what he did wrong, but not amusing enough to curb my anger.

“The question is, what didn’t you do.” I frowned, pulling the neck from the sweater so he could see the hickey he left on my neck. “Explain this!”

His eyes widened for a moment and then he grinned. “Whoa. That’s the best one I’ve ever did.”

I let go of the sweater neck and gave him a disbelieving glance before I socked him one in the stomach. He doubled over, and I was surprised at how hard his abdomen was. I shook my hand to release the tension of my punch.

Liam glared at me as he clutched his stomach. “Misha. You hit like a man.”

“Thank you.” I replied primly, putting both hands on my hips.

He groaned. “Why punch me?”

“Because you gave me a freaking hickey and you’re not even sorry!” I yelled angrily.

“Why would I be sorry about that?” he shot back at me. “You’re mine.”

Trying to ignore the flutter of my heart when he said, ‘you’re mine’, I glared at him.

“This is not good. You know who saw this thing before me? Tegan. And now she wants to know who I’m dating… or seeing behind the Pack’s back. This is dangerous.” I frowned at him, stepping back.

“Misha, if you think you’re backing out of this you’re wrong.” He frowned at me, his body lingering on the Line. “I don’t care what happens to me, I want you as mine.”

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