Children Of The Damned

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Mystic Falls High School

Natalie POV

So for some reason Dad was reading this journal where Jeremy got inspiration for his paper assignment, which he got an A on.

"Can I at least turn on the lights?" I complained as only one light was on so Dad could read.

"Go for it." he said. "I'm gonna go make copies of this anyway."

"Go for it." I said, mocking his earlier words.

Afterwards Dad came back and started grading papers while I read my book.

But just as I was about to beg for the car keys in boredom a noise was heard.

"Hello?" Dad called out.

"I'll get my bow." I muttered to my dad.

He nodded and I ran to my locker where I for some reason had my bow. Don't ask.

I pullet it out and searched through my locker for my quiver.

"God, where is it?" I muttered to myself as I pulled my books to the side as I searched for it.

Suddenly I saw it very easily, like right in front of me, in a bag which I forgot I put it in.

I sighed and face palmed. Genius am I right?

I pulled out my bag and pulled my quiver full of arrows out.

I ran to the classroom to see Dad on the ground with a vampire in front of him saying "You shouldn't have done that."

I saw the danger and loaded my bow and shot him in his back.

And his reflexes weren't fast enough so he didn't catch it.

He doubled over and grunted.

"It isn't wood, you'll heal." I said.

The vampire turned around, revealing him to be Stefan.

Well, I didn't expect that.

Always the hot ones.

I walked to him and pulled the bloody arrow out of his back.

"Maybe you shouldn't mess with my dad." I said.

"Maybe you shouldn't mess with me." Stefan retorted.

"What do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes at his behavior.

"Have a seat." he told both my dad and I.

Dad sat down but I stood my ground.

"I'm fine here." I said with my chin high.

"What is this, compressed air?" Stefan asked holding one of dad's guns. "Did you make it yourself?"

I shrugged seeing as that was Dad's stuff. I don't know how most of it works.

"Who are you two?" he asked. He got no response.

"I'm not gonna hurt you-" Stefan said but was cut off by me. "I know you won't because if you so, I'll kick your ass," I thought for a moment. "Or shoot it." I said grabbing an arrow out of my quiver.

"I will if you try that again." Stefan said looking at me.

"I didn't try. I succeeded, remember. You know, you'll figure that out when you see the hole in the back of your shirt." I smirked.

Stefan ignored me and handed Dad his gun carefully.

Stefan then sat down on one of the desks. "Now... who are you two?" he asked once again.

"I'm a teacher." Dad said making me roll my eyes.

Probably not the answer he was looking for.

"Are we gonna have to do this the hard way?" Stefan asked.

"I'm also a historian. And while researching Virginia, I made a few discoveries about your town." Dad said.

"So you show up like Van Helsing. Come on, tell me the truth." Stefan said.

"My mother was a parapsychologist. Her life was spent researching paranormal activity in this area. Her work led us here." I answered truthfully.

"Where's your mother?" Stefan asked.

"Dead. And I think you can guess by what." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Where's the Gilbert Journal?" Stefan asked.

"What do you want with it?" Dad retorted.

"Where is it?" Stefan asked again.

"It's on my desk." Dad finally gave in.

"No, it's not." Stefan retorted.

Dad and I looked over to where the journal was earlier. "It was on my desk." Dad said.

"How long have you two been aware of me?" Stefan asked us.

"I learned just recently. When I met your brother." Dad said.

"You met Damon?" Stefan said.

"Both of us did." I said. But I had no idea he was his brother, but oh well.

"Who do you think killed my wife?" Dad asked.

Stefan's eyes widened but he didn't look surprised. "Are you certain it was Damon?"

"We both was there, we saw it." I said.

"If you're here for revenge, this is going to end very badly for both of you." Stefan threatened.

"I just want to find out what happened to my wife." Dad said making me look down.

"I thought you just said that Damon..." Stefan trailed off.

"Ah, we saw him draining the life out of her. He must have heard us coming. He just... disappeared. So did her body." Dad said.

"They never found her." I added.

"Damon can never know why you're here. He'll kill both of you without blinking." Stefan said.

"Wow, nice brother you have." I muttered making Stefan look at me in slight amusement.

"We can take care of ourselves." Dad said.

"No, you can't. I can help you. If you let me." Stefan said.

I turned my gaze to Dad to find out what he's say.

"Okay." I answered for him.

A/N: now I'm finished sucking at editing the worst parts, but believe me, the writing does get better.

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