That German neigbor

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Such a tiring day, for once again. Practising practising practising so I can be accepted on that college which, do be honest, sounds stupid to me whenever I'm pissed with my awful works. But at the end, UAL (University of the Arts London) worths it. Practising my drawing skills would make me better and would rise the possibilities to be accepted. Since it was 3pm, I thought that a nap would be perfect. I walked to my room and laid on my bed. Just when I closed my eyes, that horrible sound started again. Ughh.. everyday, around 3pm I have to suffer this hell! Everyday since that german douche moved on the next apartment. I tried to ignore it, I really needed to sleep. That was not accomplshable. It was so annoying that it made me stand up and walk to his apartment. I knocked a couple of times, every time more and more, louder and louder. Finally after some time he opened. "Hello?" he said, wanting to know what I wanted, ugh with that awful german accent. Their accent sounds too strong, too tough.. "Could you please lower the sound of music? I'm really tired and want some rest." I told him seriously. "Oh yes, of course! I'm sorry.." he apologized. Wow.. it seemed really simple. I walked back at my apartment and laid again at my bed. I closed my eyes and started thinking of something nice, you know what the rumours say, if you have positive thoughts, you'll have a beautiful dream as well. I was thinking of sunsets, me walking on the halls of UAL and so much on. When suddenly the same awful sound came on my ears again. This time louder than before. "Is he stupid?" I wondered to myself. I stood up immediately and walked fast to his apartment and knocked his door faster and faster every time. He opened up. "What did I say about the music??" I told him really angry. "Ohh.. to turn it down.." he said obviously more calmed than me. "Exactly! And what you did was not only to ignore me, but also make it louder!" I confessed madly. "Yeah.." he said simply. And then we were staring at each other me with that confussed look and him with the too-cool-to-give-a-crap look, leaning to the door-gap. "Yeah? Just that? Is that your answer? Why do you even want to listen to music like that? It's 3 in the afternoon!" I told him, pointing my watch. "Because music inspires me." he admitted still cool. "Inspires you? Ohh please! Just so you can work on your abs or something, like all those fuck-boys?" I asked him still nervously angry. "No. Actually it inspires me to take some nice photographs. And really? Do you think that I'm a kind douche or something?" he wondered. I just skipped his question. "Ohh a nice photo for instagram or some kind of social media.. ohh that sounds legit!" I said ridiculing his excuse. "No.. actually I'm practising so I can study on college, photography! Unlike some girls like you who simply work on a clothes-shop for teenage girls and sleep every week with a different 20-year-old man." he offended me, still keeping that cool attitude. "Excuse me? Seriously do you think I'm that kind of a woman?" I asked him. He really offended me! "First of all, you're just a girl not a woman at all and secondly, you thought I was a douche so.." he excused himself offending me again. "If you want to know the truth young man, I practise tough every day so I can be accepted on a college as well and study painting. So I'm not a loser, as you expect me to be!" I told him proud of myself. "You? An artist? Hahahahaha.." he laughed. "Ughh.." I only said and then I walked back to my apartment. While I was unlocking my door, I heard him say "Good luck then darling! Ahahaha.." spelling the word 'Darling' with british accent, just to piss me off more, as a British I was. He shut his door before I got into my apartment. Hopefully he wouldn't play that awful 10s music again, especially that loud. He turned on the music just when I stopped thinking of it. Great, I have the worst neighbor ever!

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